The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Dammit I missed Hannity tonight. I assumed he woodward and bernsteined the shit out of this election fraud and Joe Biden was perp walked out of his house?


Thats what they want you to believe. I saw a video on YouTube that proves that theyte actually the same person

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Loughner was described as ‘very liberal’ by an unnamed high school acquaintance who hadn’t seen him for years. At the time of the shooting, he was rambling about fiat currency and abortion.

Do I think Pompeo would oppose a hypothetical coup that Donald Trump tries to pull? Yes. Of course. I’m not even sure how Trump goes about trying to pull off a coup, what is he going to call up the Army and be all “you know General I really have been treated very unfairly”. Everyone in Washington hates Trump! Who the hell is going to support a coup?

I gotcha fam:


I keep pointing out that most political assassinations have been carried out by the right. It’s in their nature to see human life as dispensable; less so with the left.

Your post shouldn’t be flagged anyway, and I hearted it.


The narrative that he was “just mentally ill” is what I remember from the time, but with the benefit of hindsight it seems pretty clear that he was radicalized by early versions of the online propaganda that has subsequently been weaponized by Republicans. In the period 2005 to 2010 no one suddenly became a gold standard/antigovenment activist without being plugged in online, and he was regularly posting bog standard American libertarian stuff about the Constitution etc. Given what has happened online since then it is less surprising that a person could be motivated to violence by their online community. We’re all living with an active pool of 70 million such people now.

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Is there any way he has enough on the important players to get their support?

I mean yeeeeah, but he also refused to talk in anything other than dipshit syllogisms so I mean, it’s not either/or. He definitely had a few toys in the attic imo.

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Seriously what is wrong with people hand waving that off.

He is just joking around don’t sweat it.

That’s right. I am not finding it hard to square the circle of: person has psychological frailties, person is exposed to the insidious forces of curated political social media, person goes off the deep end. My point is that 9 years after the fact we have a better sense of the significance of step 2. Like back then the narrative was mentally ill → shooting. We know better now.


Trump is fucked. He is not the kind of person who thinks about the consequences of his actions before hand. How much much illegal fuckery did these guys conspire in? A lot.
And now he sent stooges to the pentagon to try and cover it up. Which means more crimes they wont get away with. Lots of people going to jail. Hopefully Donald will just agree to never run for public office again in exchange for not going to jail. Its not fair but I would take that deal. It would be one hell of a slap in the face to his base.

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Absolutely not. That dude can’t be allowed to just wander around running his mouth.

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I’ve said it before, America has the worst electoral system imaginable.

Nobody is talking about the very idea of a lame duck president. This makes zero sense. He lost. He should be gone the next day. In Canada there is no lame duck period. Power is transferred immediately. At an absolute minimum, power should be seriously curtailed during the lame duck period.


This is different in every country. In the Netherlands we sometimes have lame duck governments for more than a Year, and it never really leads to problems, other then some delay of anticipated policy or legislation initiatives.

Then again, the parliament has a strong constitutional position, and lame duck governments are understood to refrain from taking up politically controversial topics. They’re pretty constrained in what they can do without congressional consent anyway.

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Even if Trump somehow gets to pardon himself, even if somehow that dissuades state prosecutors from prosecuting him he is still going to be committing lots of crimes going forward. It’s all he has ever known and he can’t help himself. His dipshit kids will continue to commit crimes. I don’t see them suddenly emerging from this into legitimacy.

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LOL he doesn’t know what recants means.