The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Motherfucking Predict yanks the “Will Comey/McCabe be indicted” markets and then Trump goes and tweets stuff like this. I could be making bank off of this tweet right here.


The election would have been fairly evenly split between a zucchini and a yellow squash.

Everybody knows which team they are on, with very few exceptions.

Trump and Daniel are both bullies


I’m not sure if this is the first time Trump has retweeted scott adams but it’s probanly the highlight of his life now. This lame duck is off to a wild ass start and it hasn’t even been a week yet.

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I think he’s from Alberta and out of reach of the Secret Police, er Service, knocking on his door, and it wasn’t even a threat. His post was excellent.

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There it is. Trump saw the first sentence and has no clue about the rest of the quote. Pompeo threads the needle.

These guys plan really is to placate him all the way to the runoff. This really deserves to be memorialized with a comedy like the death of stalin if they pull it off.

Imagine finding yourself needing to placate a weird incredibly narcissist man baby in your 50s-70s. For two months straight. With everyone in the world trying to break through and piss the baby off.

Mitch is a reptilian infiltrator I’m pretty sure. To think I think my reality is surreal. These guys are having a weirder 60 days than Hunter S Thompson ever did.

That’s probably why Pompeo laughed. He knows Trump will hear the first part and then he gives the real answer.


Your judgment (in my opinion) concerning defending people who engage in inane death fantasies isn’t great, and since you didn’t acknowledge the PM I sent you about this about a month ago, I’ll just let this pass on by. If you genuinely think that his post was excellent, I don’t have anything to say to you.

Yeah wanted to say don’t lump us BCer’s in with those goddamn redneck Albertans


Quoting a bot to call a gimmick.

It will be the first positive use of that gimmick.

Ban anyway.

Your opinion about what constitutes an inane death fantasy is stupid. I read Clovis’ post.

Before you reply, remember, you have nothing to say to me.

No talking about how someone, anyone, might have possibly wanted to kill Trump…that’s a flag. Telling people here to go fuck themselves, that’s cool.

I’ll affirm…Clovis’ post was excellent. Now zip it.

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i’m surprised somebody hasn’t killed osama bin laden yet

obama murdered seal team 6 and then acted like they killed obl but actually him and obama are best friends who plot terror together


I wonder if talking about whether anyone ever wanted to kill OBL would have been beyond the pale as well. How many people did he kill? 3000? Amateur.

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I ponder, just in general (directed at no one), if trolling people after the thing is done is stupid and bad and sad

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They really aren’t going to leave voluntarily, are they?

won’t the states certify by then?

Weak angleshot. You can’t not have the last word even when you declare you have no more to say?

Anyway, I disagree with your flagging, but posting that you were the flagger was commendable and I appreciate it. If I could go back in time, I would not make the other comments just because I have unfortunately not helped encourage something I want. Also, I should be nicer.

I still don’t want you to respond though.


Would be hilarious if Trump started his post-POTUS era of no immunity by trespassing on federal property and catching a charge.

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