The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I’m moderately surprised he isn’t encouraging armed lunatics to invade urban polling places.

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Why isn’t he tweeting? Seems odd.

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He hasn’t slept in like 4 days, probably passed the fuck out.


Been out of the loop this morning, have they started burning ballots yet?

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Well you know, it’s not natural energy and he’s living on borrowed time hopefully.

Pretty sure he is here under a different account name because that one is somehow linked to him IRL. Perhaps delete your post? If he doesn’t PM you, I can with the new name.

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Thanks! Just realized I hadn’t see him around in a while and it was weird, this being fucking gameday.


What cunning tactics, suddenly caring about boring stuff like being paid once his political power evaporates. Surely everyone will think they’re legit now!


Apparently they’ve setup a war room for the election in the Eisenhaeur building. Hatch act violations may find the government for a month next year. (Lol no—pardons)

What exactly do campaign funds raised today go towards (x10).

Also we should have started rumor that Soros was doing ALL the matching.

Umm errr


Gotta post in the last Trump thread.

Fuck you narrator

Narrator: Oh you sweet summer child

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this is actually straight out of soviet/putin’s playbook. turns out you can staga a parade somewhere to own the libs for less than it takes to setup phone-banking.

Lol came to post something much less explosive from lolhill

What a day for this to come out


You think this was staged by the Trump campaign?!

no, i don’t, but they will happily retweet it. but it’s meaningless.
( twitter | raw text )


Mental illness + drugs