The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

That’s the case with all churches. They’re all cults that teach their followers that their belief is all that matters in the truth. Organized religion is probably the single most damaging thing mankind has invented.


I agree, but that isn’t going to stop me from reading every book about building a congregation I can find over the next six months. I’m pretty confident that the religions have centuries of tradecraft on getting normies to do what they want them to do.

Watching Biden’s speech on covid vaccine and task force etc. The difference in tone and leadership is overwhelmingly huge when compared to the snake-oil salesman who just says its going to go away.


I used to see Kenneth Copeland in college (1990-ish) when I was up at night flipping channels.

I’m not going to lie. The guy sucked me in on occasion when I was already feeling like a complete POS for barely going to class for weeks and still procrastinating studying for my general physics mid-term or w/e at 3am. Goddam if I only had ritalin in college. But then again I’d probably have some boring burnout job instead of having fun in my 20s.

He had a folksy way about him. He sat in a facsimile kitchen or something. He was very specific about the Bible and seemed to be really trying to intellectualize it all. I still didn’t believe any of it. But it made me feel better somehow.

I thought he was one of the good ones. Not like Tilton or Swaggart up there on stage being all flashy. Now he’s begging his dirt poor followers for money to upgrade his Gulfstream version. LOLOLOL me - there are no good TV preachers.


One immediate consequence of Trump losing has been that suddenly you have to go to multiple threads to see what’s going on. The era of all political issues being pulled into the orbit of a singular person is behind us.


I’ll kiss the ground with gratitude to that.

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Just do the Trump thing with them. Biden cheated? That makes him smart.


I was raised by what everyone’s image of a ‘good preacher’ is. He sucked too.

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My mom died eight years ago. She had had a nice next egg built up over the years, enough so that I’d be able to pay off her debts and dad’s plus have enough left over to pay off some of ours as well as leaving some for her grandkids’ college, or so we thought. In the end we used basically all of her life insurance $$$ to pay for her funeral; what little was left over was used to cover some (but not all) of her remaining medical bills.

When going through her papers later we discovered she had shipped tens of thousands of dollars to Kenneth Copeland Ministries over the years, going back to the early 1980s. Needless to say, she never saw a “hundredfold” return on that investment. I could fking shake her if she was still alive.

Otoh he is worth around $300 million.


Jesus that sucks.

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Just bumping this as it would be criminal for anyone to miss it - joyous :joy:

Shit like that is so depressing. I’m sorry that your mom got swindled and that you had to go through that.


I hope so bad that Four Seasons Total Landscaping will live on for decades as a keystone of Trump’s enduring legacy.


Huge oof.


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LOL. Still pretending to president.


This is kind of like those dudes who leave the house and come home at the same time as usual every day after getting fired so they don’t have to tell their wives

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