The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

But if other states can blockade a pretty narrow river, or you need to ask them for safe passage through it - isn’t that effectively like being landlocked? Also can you get an aircraft carrier to Philly? If not they’re at a huge disadvantage to New Jersey’s navy.

I’m pretty sure they’ll be able to shoot their way out. Y’all are seriously underestimating Philly’s port bonafides.

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What time does tomorrows congressional shit show kick off?

Would a landlocked state have Beluga Whales cruising along its border? I don’t think so.

Have you guys ever been to Philly?

To get to the airport you have to go over like a 500 ft high bridge over literally the most enormous port I’ve ever seen.

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I think Gibbons v Ogden prevents states from blocking rivers. Legally.

That’s an aircraft carrier at the bottom right, right?

No. Neither is Hamburg or Kuwait.
( twitter | raw text )

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Yeah they’re gonna shoot their way out of a heavily mined river while being shot at from both banks with a fleet of submarines waiting for them at the end. But I guess the air cover could help with getting shot at from the banks - assuming they have air superiority.
( twitter | raw text )

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Be like Mike!

Are we really dependent on Pence having a spine? What happens if he says “i reject these votes”?

Nothing. It’s a formality.

“Cotton Farmers” employed a crap ton of black people. Not sure that is evidence of anything.

I have known business owners who are racist but still employ minorities they hate because they feel they can do what ever job the have but not much more.

Your friend is a racist because he belongs to the Proud Boys. There is no distinction to be made.

“My grandpa’s friend was in the KKK, but was only it if the fellowship.”


Pence has no power to accept or reject votes, that’s wholly a Trump invention. The Electoral Count Act says that he must open all the electoral votes or things “purporting to be electoral votes”, this language is expressly intended to take decisions about what are and aren’t electoral votes out of the hands of the VP. Then, electoral votes certified in accordance with the Act are counted unless an objection is sustained by both Houses. Pence’s role in this is literally to open envelopes.


I actually think Pence is competent enough to open envelopes.

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I’m trying to imagine reading this after ingesting a moderate dose of shrooms and am unable to imagine it. Bookmarked.


All this landlock talk got me to remember , Switzerland is landlocked country and they pulled off a America’s Cup win which was funny because they had to find another country to host it in.

Warnock’s MSNBC picture looks like he farted and is eagerly waiting for everyone to smell it.