The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

You’re way late to the party. I booked a bet on this about a year ago. And I got odds.

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vp cos off record: Hey Maggie, so, the vice president doesn’t believe he even has the power to change the result of the election

Habs: does the president know that?

Vpcosor: oh yeah, I mean… Yeah.

Habs: did vp tell potus this personally?

Vpcosor: …yeah

Habs: when?

Vpcosor: just like… today. Today at lunch


How much more deplorable can this country get? It’s flat out embarrassing.

Yea my buddy from grade school that’s a Proud Boy isn’t racist. He owns a business and has 4 or 5 black employees out of maybe 10-15 total employees. He’s more of a “there’s too many pussies in this country” type. He’s all for triggering libs.

I don’t understand how they aren’t a racist. If they actively support an organisation where racism is a key tenet then it would seem pretty inconsistent.

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Like everything else in life, they ignore the parts they don’t like.

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Definitely. But that has nothing to do with race.

Grunch, we talking about the Police here?

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Are you doing a bit?


Probably. Only RWNJ I know (in Australia) just passed his psych exams for Police Academy here. Have heard him say protestors should be beaten to death. Yay police I feel so safe!

A shirt with a broom picture. Tell the kid it means “sweep”.

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Looks like the “massive dump” argument is going to have legs for this election too.

That’s a so-what thing.

If it wasn’t that it’d be some other shit. They are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS going to be whining bxtches!

( twitter | raw text )

Does the Pennsylvania coat of arms remind anyone else of Geocities? „Let‘s just throw everything in there. We are a land-locked state, sure, but that ship on the high seas does look cool.“ I bet they it‘s animated, too.

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They aren’t landlocked dummy :)

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They have some pretty big ship building history I believe. Not sure of that’s why they have a ship on their seal though.

The “rogue state supreme court” lmfao.

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Ok, you made me look at a map. What makes them not land-locked? The Delaware river or Lake Erie?

Lake Erie?