The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I’m going to stop you right there.



This is correct.

The only way this means anything is that if you view it through the lens of a MAGA dipshit. If after doing that it sounds bad, then you’ve really got something.

There are very few things that will meet this requirement, so it is an extremely tall order.

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There is no way I am going to listen to that phone call, but I would be interested to learn how many times Trump mentioned the following:

  • Dead people voting
  • Voting machines switching votes
  • Sleepy Joe
  • Hillary
  • Illegal votes
  • Electoral College
  • Caravans
  • Lizard People
  • Shithole (referring to Georgia)
  • President for Life
  • Size of Trump Rallies
  • Landslide
  • Does not want to go to prison.

He talked about 5 of those the whole time.

Rich assholes are generally a big problem in politics but in this case it’s a positive, GA guy doesn’t need the think tank / speeches / fake book sales / my pillow endorsement Republican hack welfare opportunities so he can go full DGAF. Also he seems like Mittens, genuinely surprised it has come to this, LOL him but a way better guy than most Republicans.


Jordan tilts me so much. He’s like the dumbest of dumb gym teachers.


Mostly these and:
*People from outside of Georgia voting.
*Stacey Abrahms is the devil and is laughing at you Brad!
*That no good cheater (redacted)
*They’re shredding ballots. Hundreds of thousands of ballots!
*Dominion is getting their machines out of Fulton county! They’re swapping out the insides of the machines!


Can Biden admin access these in some way after the inauguration?

I guess this should go here?


Onion. Dear Christ, Onion.


“That was the tape that’s been shown all over the world that makes everybody look bad, you, me and everybody else.”

What is he even talking about?



…but how does that make everybody look bad? Like my own self for example?

Notable because all former defense secretaries signed on including… Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.

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Afghanistan has better ran elections than us! That’s the angle.

Yet compared to Gohmert, Q-Lady, Nunes…he’s Einstein.

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It’s his voice and always yelling shit too.

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I believe its the one where there is a suitcase under the table. Doesn’t he talk about exactly that? There is a suitcase under a table and a couple people within video shot leave and a lady takes the suitcase out from under the table and sits down and runs them through the machine. Gotta be honest it looks sketchy in the context but then there is another video angle which shows there were still a bunch of people around including a Republican observer iirc

That was the biggest one from what I gathered on right wing sites.