The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

How about something from a decent lawbro?

Imagine a judge calling someone a criminal.


Ah yes, who can forget the great swine flu pandemic of… come to think of it I can’t even remember when that shit was anymore, but it was so bad, so bad. So much worse than now.


F you you worthless pos. Of course the federal government should be overseeing all of this.


That’s Socialism!1!1!11!11one!


What’s Assange?

It’s just so unfair that this motherfucker won’t just die. Evil people never fucking die. Henry Kissinger is still alive, FYI.


someone charged with 165 years worth of crimes?

But not a criminal, according to you. Therefore no pardon, also according to you.

Cy Vance means business:


What? Of course presidents can pardon actually innocent people. They should! But most pardons and commutations aren’t of actually innocent people.

Setting aside the fact that Assange is actually guilty of what he is accused of, it just shouldn’t be a crime.

I liked Pravda Barbie. A bit more specific in connotation than “Nazi,” and shorter than Propaganda.

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He also allegedly raped two women…

Trump shouldn’t pardon Assange for his rapes

The good news is he can’t do anything about this “witch hunt” other than complain on Twitter. He will have literally lost all his powers.

And he hooked up with Pam Anderson. Unforgivable if you ask me.

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Ok, nevermind. I assumed you bolded that for a reason.

jesus christ dude. The overwhelming majority of pardons go to convicted criminals.

Which is why your dictionary bullshit is such bullshit, try not next time.

And I picked Jesus in the assholes draft before this.

giphy (31)

(Yes I am trying shamelessly to get a certain someone to report for duty)