Probably correct.
Anyone here in Kentucky? I really want to know the chatter in that state and on local news when stuff like this happens.
I assume they blame everyone but Mitch. That is what every other state does when their representatives act against their interests. It’s why congress sucks so hard.
They cheer that the city folk aren’t getting gov’t cheese.
Infrastructure week is coming!
Finally. But President Trump will miss it.
It’s Nancy Pelosi’s fault. The real problem with the stimulus bill is all the foreign aid.
yeah, seeing lots of foreign aid chatter in MAGA world. Of course they are too stupid (or don’t care) to understand the concept of two different bills.
I actually had a magatard on fb very confused who or why anyone voted against the $2000 bill in the house. He was asking whether it was possible to look up the names of those who voted against it. Also quite confused on why Trump writing things in red marker wasn’t the end of it. But I’m sure he’ll get the ‘but it was because of foreign aid that we had to vote against it’ marching orders soon.
I’m in love with her. I want her to treat me bad. I want to channel her inner evil. I seldom feel this way but she accesses a part of me I didn’t know existed.
How did he react when you showed him the roll call vote? Is his Rep a Republican?
Magatard. Love this. How am I just learning my néw favorite term?
I don’t love this, for reasons of political correctness, but I’m going to tolerate it.
I’m about 10 miles from Kentucky border. The rubes here love him. They 100% blame the Dems for Mitch blocking 300 bills sitting on his desk.
“Of course he’s blocking bills. The Dems are so unreasonable. He has no choice.”
They think he’s protecting them, not exploiting.
This is the thesis of Let Them Eat Tweets. Dumb title but a solid analysis of Trumpian “conservatism” by two well known political sci profs. Was good on audiobook.
Anyone know the real reason Trump vetoed the defense bill? I have no idea. The sec 230 thing is just too dumb to contemplate. Maybe no more bases named after traitors, but I have to believe there are things in the details that would hurt Trump personally, or his post-presidency earning potential.
How on earth would he ever find out what’s in the details? You could give him a one-page bill and he wouldn’t actually read it.
He’s just flailing, being petty, and wanting to lash out at republicans who aren’t backing him. NDAA is the perfect bill to do that.
NDAA has a TON of pork for powerful establishment assholes too so if he can make it more difficult, the better, one of his minions might have mentioned this to him.