The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


  1. Pozz tens of millions/kill hundreds of thousands
  2. Claim vaccine credit
  3. ???
  4. Profit

in international trmpzm news, another authoritarian trying to subvert elections.

“I think at the current time, we should have united forces to find a way to avert these needless elections,” Mr. Netanyahu said in Parliament early Tuesday as he tried, and failed, to seek a delay in its dissolution.

lol so transparent. doo it Joe. you don’t want twitter bots or trumpkin followers anyway


This will be like #456 on the list of the pettiest things that happen in the transition.


Is it a federal crime to tweet from The presidents twit account without his knowledge?

Twit the season that was

I’m sure Twitter can manually reset the passwords for those accounts. I wonder what’s in the DMs that makes them want to hold onto the accounts forever…


Damn he found out, it’s all over now


I think it’s more that Microsoft, with GoDaddy’s help, stole the domains that the Trojan contacted, so Microsoft is the only entity that knows all of the IP addresses of compromised servers. Seems like a stupid brag on the Microsoft guy’s part, and a stupid overreaction on the tweeter’s part.

I haven’t seen any statement about what authority Microsoft had to take over the domains.

Edit: Hmm, replied to the wrong post somehow. This was supposed to be a reply to @kerowo

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I truly think people like Pence are intellectually bankrupt. True ciphers.

People learn about the role and purposes of government in civics classes starting in middle school and all the way through high school (continuing in college of course). And IIRC there is at least a day on how government is funded.

Wouldn’t this be Twitter’s choice and not Trump’s?

I don’t think so. He’s speaking to the Turning Point PAC so he’s speaking to the True Believers, and those true believers really do hold the baseline set of assumptions that in the US the rich have it too rough and the poor have it too easy.


You have to feel for the rich. Life would be so much easier but they’re too stupid to be poor.


No. Obviously these platforms hands are completely tied. Its not their fault.

This is the issue. Trump isn’t conning his base into supporting him. He is raising them up and they are embracing him with open arms and willingness.

It’s why it’s fairly pointless to try and argue sense with them. Just have to dismiss them until they find their own way out of the jungle.

Does that mean Pence is off the 2024 ticket?

Some people Trump is in a bind with. He hasn’t said a bad word about pence, essentially ever. He can bitch about pence betraying him on 1/6 but it will have pretty much zero impact on Trump’s life.

Plus Pence is embedded with the Christian Right who have no use for Trump now he can’t stop abortions in any way shape or form outside of his own pocketbook.

Pence has zero reasons to support Trump on this. Remember thd story how Pence’s wife was ashamed she couldn’t afford a nice dress for the inauguration? Pences are (or going to be) multi multi multi millionaires if he just keeps his head down and escapes mostly intact. Way more lucrative than trying to find crumbs at the feet of the Trump family, once the term is over.

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There are real consequences for not only ranting at the national security apparatus for years but also taking large chunks out of it.