The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I haven’t seen this posted anywhere, but this is kind of batshit insane. Not related to US politics, really, but still…take a break from Mitch and read the transcript…


If D’s are as hopeless as the forum supposes, maybe a simple let them fight is best.

I posted it in LC but it probably went unnoticed. Poison underwear just isn’t as sexy as it sounds.


I think there is something to the Donald is an example of how far dumb can take you principle. Maybe you can’t get a membership to Augusta but you own your own nearly bankrupt golf courses. That’s probably better!

The fact he has litetally failed at everything is the only reason he is relevant. He turned that into tabloid and the turned tabloid into this.

if you were following navalny the whole year, it is absolutely bonkers what he has achieved as a person without an electoral mandate, with just hard work and with the help of young idealists.

Nah, that was a cute idea in 2016 but I’m done with this shit:

If there is a real knife fight, the lunatics eventually win. And after the lunatics devour Mitch’s carcass and turn their sights on Ds, we have to win literally every election going forward cuz the country is finished if the lunatics get power just once.

And while I do think the lunatics will eventually take over the R party completely and then the country, I’d like to reduce their odds/delay the takeover, not accelerate it.


there is only one donald trump like there is only one timothy dexter

we’re lucky that dude never ran for president

What you wrote is accurate but it can be broken down even further: Trump leaves liberals exasperated. That’s it.

Every thing Trump does that is immoral, illegal or just really fucking stupid plays into why his base loves him every single time. What they care about isn’t good governance and to the extent they desire policy wins, for the rank-and-file (non-ultra rich), pissing off liberals is the true victory.


Thing is, Douthat isn’t evil. He’s just wrong and in the grip of bad ideas.

Douthat is an anti-Trump guy. That column isn’t predictive, it’s his effort to write a devil’s-advocate piece imagining how a Trump Presidency might go well, since Trump had already defied his predictions of losing the nomination and losing the election. Parts of the column make this fairly clear:

While I cannot verify its provenance, the following appears to be my Sunday column from Nov. 8, 2020, which slipped through a small rift in the space-time continuum while I was writing a panicked, “It’s the Trump Apocalypse!” column this week.

Well, [my prediction that he’d lose the election] was wrong, too. Which left me with my assumptions about a Trump administration: that in theory an ideologically-flexible president promising a national-interest-first foreign policy could be remarkably popular, but that in practice Trump would give us economic weakness, global instability, and domestic upheaval.

Your Twitter guy needs to work on his reading comprehension.

My bad for not checking the source. Douthat seems like a decent guy so it was a bit odd.

Does the anti-Pagan beat really need a reporter?

Elite trolling there. At least that is what I hope it is.

I’ve heard him have discussions with liberals and he’s well behaved and thoughtful…for a Catholic conservative. I don’t read his columns.

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Not sure I’d call Douthat a “decent guy” but he writes what he thinks and has original thoughts from time to time, which is more than you can say for virtually anyone on the right these days.

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dammit, that was 2004? Seems like yesterday. Fuck I’m old.

Also, just an epic moment that’s even more relevant now. John Stewart saw exactly what was coming. I remember thinking that maybe because that show was almost immediately canceled afterward, that the media might actually learn something from it.

sigh send @SweetSummerChild back in a time machine to slap me upside the head.