The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Who is going to waste the time to overturn it though. Then when it might be in an issue in thirty years some wackos in congress will fight it because of tradition or some such.

He hasn’t tried to punish them, he constantly talks them up. But its super clear the voters could be pushed, tons of them were ready to not vote in the runoff.

Look what he has done to Kemp. Dude dropped like 20+ points in the polls. He could do that to anyone he wants honestly. If you talk to Trump supporters much you will find the vast majority of them love Trump, but do not like the Republican party. It’s why they turn on people like Bush etc.

Why do you think so many of them lick his boots so hard? It’s because the voters support Trump, not them. They’re sheep and do what they’re told,


it seems like empty rhetoric, doesn’t it just say that the “prefered or default” style should be whatever? doesn’t seem to be any penalty for deviating

I guess newsmax just figured out they’re about to get sued into oblivion


Only allow Art Deco you cowards

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Missing the big picture, Trump can severely punish individual GOPers and especially at opportune times (i.e. when a primary is on the horizon) but not the whole GOP. This is because he has way, way, way more to lose than any other GOPer individually if the GOP battleship gets sunk as it is known by all involved that Trump is a lying, cheating, habitual line stepper, criminal thug.

The worse that can happen to most R politicians is they get Jeff Flaked, which as power hungry narcissists, many of them would consider a shitty fate. The worst that can happen to Trump is that the rest of the GOP steps aside and/or gets annihilated in elections, giving the Ds power and ability to happily tear him and his family apart limb by limb.


Yeah I mean if you look at it rationally, all the Jeff Flake types achieved absolutely nothing, stopped nothing, and now have no power. Lindsey Graham did this exact math and it probably made the choice easier seeing that the people with courage mostly got zero credit and now have no power, forever.

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His family getting crushed by his enemies makes him look like a weak pathetic loser, which he cares about, but I also said he would get torn apart so not sure what you are disagreeing with.

Highly recommend watching it. It’s really really funny. I saw a Lou Dobbs one that was meh. This one is way better, goes into George Soros and Hugo Chavez.


Lmao that was great. Best part is the dude’s name is John Tobacco.


The voice. And the impression (dunno if this is true) he gives of being very intelligent and not a douche. Probably helps that he doesn’t seem to be a huge media whore. Makes him seem more normal?

lol law and all but it I were on a jury I would take that pathetic “clarification” as an admission of guilt

This is exactly what newsmax would say if they were taken over by the deep state!


I’m thinking of starting a new social media site called Mancave for when they all eventually get upset at Parler.


Granted he’s a nice fellow and all but…

For everyone asking why is BC here’s why…

She’s a part of the institution of great Britain ffs…

I don’t want to blow this whole “who’s the most attractive man” convo out of the water, but I got catcalled (by a woman!) while running at 5:30AM the other day.


Its winter. She didn’t see you. Probably felt sorry for you running at 530 in the morning.



And change the address to 1 Barack H Obama Ave.

Loled at John Tabacco