The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces



is this some sort of humble brag on making it thru 2020?

jk HBD!

It’s not just Trump

It’s multiple members of the trump world

Go read the mueller report and then come back and talk to us.

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Ok I won’t rehash it here except to say this was nowhere near the biggest problem with Trump and it took eyes off of those that were. Also, I never watched Fox News in my life unless it was a clip with another source

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I could probably argue that trying to make a political issue out of it was going to be a waste of time from a political perspective and there were other lines of attack that would have been more fruitful to concentrate on.

A neighbor, 60ish male, was wearing a Biden shirt that said this the other day. Told him I woulda bought one if I knew they were available.




If it were a state, it would have 15 electoral votes.


What line of attack would of worked with Mitch and gang to get trump out?

Probably none. Dems needed to adopt a mindset of permanent campaign and push things that would lead to greater electoral success, regardless of importance of even veracity.

I’m not sure anything would of done that either. People were for the most part in the camps they were in.

Alright I guess. But it seems reps have that market cornered.

wow you are so smart, not dumb like me who believes that russiagate or whatever is the biggest problem with trump. you got me. i’m an owned libtard.

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One thing that is abundantly clear after this shit show, that we all already knew but is now very salient, is that the educated, polished, has shame Republican is like 500,000 people clustered in a dozen zip codes. The 70 million plus other people who vote for Republicans are substantially all completely insane. This is a long way of saying there is just no way to put the toothpaste back in the tube.


pretty weird response that says more about you than him

Like I keep saying, a house divided.