Any lawbros care to explain what this means in regular bro terms?
Apparently I have the power to summon SCOTUS decisions.
I would also like an explanation of what “leave to file a complaint” means
If trump wasn’t too stupid not to put his own cronies in scotus instead of just federalist shit he easily wins off the texas suit right
edit–yep on post below
Alito and Thomas dissent and say they should be given standing and have the case heard. The ruling is that they don’t even have standing.
Okay, after this is settled don’t ever talk about the SCOTUS ever again unless it goes to a liberal majority.
So, weGotHim++?
random MAGAts taking it well, I see:
just think trump put in 3 justices he assumed would rule in his favor and none of them did. BETRAYED
lol Alito and Thomas
So Alito and Thomas are down for a coup
This is exactly what Poephat said would happen on the last podcast.
Can somebody explain this mumbo jumbo?
Listen to the last “All the president’s lawyers” it has less to do with wether they would be “be down for a coup” vs their stances on these type of state vs state things and if they should just be heard.
C’mon Donny. Tell us your thoughts.
Do any of the historians here know if there has ever been a civil war where one army consisted entirely of mounted infantry using mobility scooters?
14-13 would be a terrible podcast