The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I know everyone wants aoc for potus asap but I’m hoping she’s our Mitch. Presidents come and go… A Mitch is something else.


Definitely, but AOC is the woman version of like John Kennedy talent wise, even looks wise. She can 100% beat the Republican propaganda if she gets in the senate and leads the charge on a bunch of shit that makes peoples lives better.

I know a lot of liberals that hate AOC. She has no chance in the near future.


Her first major story arc is about ruining those people.


You don’t need a super charismatic person to be Mitch though. Mitchs are a dime a dozen, you just need the political will to pull it off. There are probably 10 different people who could be our Mitch. All the Squad is basically capable of pulling it off, plus lots more coming up. Katie Porter would fucking smash in that role.

But AOC is too charismatic for settling in the role. Imagine her using the bully pulpit of the presidency? The GOP would be fucking crushed.

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Free Mars!

The far left will come to hate her as well, if she ends up making some compromises to get shit done.

Yeah, she has a lot of hurdles in her path. But I’m excited to watch her pursue it.

Well yeah the establishment has made it a big priority to stop her, but they can’t succeed for long. She’s too talented and people are tired of them. They nearly fucked up this whole election and now they will get absolutely nothing done unless they change leadership ASAP.

Their days are completely numbered one way or another.

I agree with you guys that the Republicans are already following the Hillary playbook with AOC. It is effective - but, Hillary had that run against her for 24 years and still got within 80k votes or so of the presidency. It can be overcome.

If we’re shrewd we can take those two Martian Senate seats.

With more than 70 million proven shitbags the US needs a revolution of the heart before it will accept president AOC.

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Many of them will die. Is that a change of heart ?

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It changes from beating to still.


I know your comment is a bit jokey, but the honest answer is no. The deplorables lost a civil war over a century ago and they still defend the racism as an essential part of American society. Hate will never die.

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AOC needs to go after the democratic dinosaurs before even thinking about the senate or presidency. It is much easier to do that from a safe congress seat. Work to get them primaried and build a coalition that will follow her to hell and back when her time comes.


More of an exchange of one poisoned heart for another, their offspring’s.

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Denied. The wife has previous work experience she can easily put to use on extremely short order.

This is a big part of why I want to see her be our Mitch. She has a perch that doesn’t require her to change ideologically at all. Her goal should be to be speaker of the house before she’s 40.

Everyone wants their favorite to be the president. I want our favorite to be the most powerful person in the world, and I don’t want to stress about Democracy fucking that up.

You guys should know there’s a very real chance I start testing out enlightened authoritarian takes. I’m becoming increasingly convinced this government is doomed and the Chinese are actually entirely right. I’m not happy about that because it’s not a nice thought, but I’m also not interested in being for Democracy because someone told me it was the best system when I was a small child. Right now it looks fucking terrible full stop.


A most acceptable use of the word… :ok_hand:

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