The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

gl on the bingo unstuck this is your pardon card. Got a good shot on that left side I say


Free space is definitely Trump himself.

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ROFL ty cobb

Eric Prince and Betsy Devos can take up on space.

The Russian GRU.
Cozy Bear?

Might need a bigger card


It’s by the end of 2020, and he isn’t currently facing any charges right? Also he’s currently doing work for the Mafia Don… Gotta keep that leverage til the last minute. I’d take Rudy no by 12/31 and Rudy yes by 1/21 if you made me bet. As it stands, not touching it either way.

Yeah, dude is drawing very live to do no time and then end up in Congress in a couple years.

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I love the address: 1 MAGA Lane, Nogales AZ. The link is a google map location at the border fence.

Also, “Grift Shop”. Lol

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Yeah how could it be anything but this

LOL they’re actually selling stuff? I respect that grift.

Liked for the browser tabs :slight_smile:


Playing pardon bingo is weird given it’s a lock he pardons everyone.


Actually Flynn’s foreign connections are to Turkey.

No. While Flynn was indeed being paid by Turkey and participated in that absurd kidnapping plot, that behavior isn’t really tied to Trump, as far as I know.

Flynn has Russia ties going back to 2013, and attended a Trump Tower meeting with Kushner and the Russian Ambassador after Trump was elected. Flynn then continued conversations with the Russian Ambassador including about Russian sanctions, then lied about it.

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Conversations > being a paid servant to

And most of them are constantly lying about everything

Turkey could have got a greenlight from someone in the US for Syria, Libya and Armenia. Not saying they definitely did, but I think they probably wouldn’t have done those things if they knew the US would actually care.

It’s the kidnapping plot Im hoping they go after Flynn jr for.

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