The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Star Wars was never much more than very expensive PR promoted by Reagan in the 80s. Same, as far as I know, for the programs that have followed. The accuracy of anti-missile technology may have improved but the practical relevance hasn’t changed, really. The money the Soviets/Russians would have had to spend to keep up is what pissed them off.

What is DeJoy on the hook for?

This is what I believed until the iron dome got deployed in Israel in real life. That whole stars wars doesn’t really work bullshit was just our government lying to us again I’m pretty sure.

Contempt of court for basically telling the judge he was going to ignore his order about mail-in-ballots.

I’ll admit I don’t know the ins and outs of the treaty…it could possibly require rigid specifications for the aircraft itself.

However, if it doesn’t, we absolutely have the ability to rapidly stand up one-off/unique airborne reconnaissance assets using existing systems, by the same program office that oversees the current aircraft.

They would probably convert an existing RJ-135, which are also handled by Big Safari.

However! Worrying about the planes actually being mothballed is probably a moot point. There are hundreds of ways to slow down the process in the field, and since no commander wants to lose their assets, the guys at Offutt are probably already thinking of ways to drag their feet long enough so that when/if Biden puts us back into the treaty, the planes are miraculously still available, and only need a couple systems “reinstalled.” Systems like…seats for the radar operators, or the sink in the bathroom. There’s a lot of paperwork and procedures to do if you want to mothball a plane…


Oh yeah? I though that subreddit got shut down due to poor posting.

Why do klingons being allowed to work with the federation have to do with continuing to pursue our cases on the most corrupt election in universe history, we are moving warp speed ahead. We will never concede to fake ballots and the dominion!

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Well, eventually the fusilages can crack up from too many compressions and decompressions.

I have a brother at Boeing and, yeah, the “old” airplanes they fly are new under the skin (part of what went wrong with the 737 - but it’s fixed!).

There are 6000 satellites now though, so I’m not sure these flights are as important as they once were.

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Its one thing to tell Nancy to fuck off with her lol subpoenas, there is absolutely no consequence to that.

Telling a federal judge to fuck off seems much riskier, though so far the judges don’t seem to understand that they have to actually punish people for doing it to retain the current state of the world where people do what they say.


From wiki, cost of Iron Dome missiles is $40k, Hamas’ Qassam ~$1k. First article that comes up says IDF claimed 86% effectiveness against Hamas rockets in an attack last year. That’s not what I’d call encouraging if you’re planning to go up against Russian ICBMs, decoys and other countermeasures.

One of the designers of Star Wars ended up as a professor at MIT doing research on cold fusion. I personally think that’s a step up but most wouldn’t agree. He clearly didn’t see much of a future in anti-missile work.

Is this real? Jesus Christ, these people love being dommed. How is your reaction to this not “go fuck yourself”.
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I’ve seen 2 news sites describing the DOW high as Biden transfer begins lmao.


Iron dome is ineffective against MIRV missiles which is what Russia and the US would be firing at each other in case of a nuclear war. Only the big countries have this capability.

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It’s Biden’s market now

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I can’t remember which thread has the Parler.discussion. Please move if the wrong one

Worth reading the replies.


Demod yourself

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They are going to live in New Jersey. Told you guys they’re not welcome in NYC.


Once in, Ms. Trump and Mr. Kushner tended to violate the unspoken rule of the Washington private-school world, that parents with heavy security details keep disruption to a minimum, four parents said. At schoolwide events, the family and its entourage often occupied the front two rows, standing to greet administration well-wishers, said one irritated parent.

Three people, including two who were present, spoke about a birthday party Mr. Kushner decided to attend with his children. He then requested the hosts’ Wi-Fi password so he could work in the living room.

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