The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Lol touche.

Haha suck it MAGA loser. Go cry in your big mac.

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yeah if Trump ever does go down it’s gonna be for something really stupid like this or the guy who sold Obama’s senate seat. He’s not smart enough to just insider trade like the rest of Washington

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was UPS, they found and delivered the package

and you didn’t hear that or anything about it since

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“We asked a lot of important questions. As you know, we helped identify massive, massive fraud like nobody’s ever seen. If the election had been honest, I’d be president. But it wasn’t honest, so I’m not, and that’s okay. It really isn’t, but that’s what happened. So here we are. But I hope people will continue to look at that strongly. A lot of people are talking about it.”


Buttery laptops?

This is the price you pay for being a trumper. He will take credit for anything you do he wants to, and lay blame at your feet for anything he chooses.

This has been obvious for a long time. I can’t imagine how high the job insecurities are for people who actively accept that.

Parler still freaking out about that lawyer getting the boot. They were really upset about her being disowned. She spoke to those nut jobs.

Is climate envoy an official cabinet position?

Pretty amazing he spent three shows talking about the documents going missing and zero on the documents themself.

Can you join parlor without giving your cellphone number? I tried to sign up with fake email but it asks for cellphone to verify.

Use a google voice number maybe?

No idea what that is or how it works.

It just occurred to me that with Trump doing all the BS he has done over the past 4 years, Biden needs to go after him in order to repair international relations with our allies. Pardoning Trump really would be the final straw for a lot.


grrr…I know y’all despise the military, but this makes us less safe and is the most obvious suck up to Putin move I can think of.