The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Hillary DEFINITELY would have been better off if she had been her authentic self. People like sarcastic assholes… and this isn’t a guess, I’m speaking from personal experience.


This recent episode of On the Media really crystallized my understanding of what is going on in America.

In it, the guest argues two Christian ideas are the philosophical basis of Trumpism and Qanon.

The prosperity gospel which argues you can wish reality to change.

And Gnosticism which argues the path to knowledge is through the self rather than experts and that contradiction should reinforce faith, not call of it into question.

I sort of understood there was a connection between Christian worldview and Trump but now it’s crystal clear. There is no difference between believing Trump is saving the kids and believing Christ turned water into wine.

( twitter | raw text )

( twitter | raw text )


Does Trump still not understand that the signatures on the outer ballots have been discarded?

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On The Media has been putting in some serious work lately. It is fantastic content, with just enough sarcastic snark mixed in.


Trump going hard at RINOS this weekend. Looks like we are getting closer to him burning the country down.

There’s a famous story in the Gulag Archipelago, set during the late Stalin era.

Its some mid ranking conference of the party. At the end theres a standing round of applause for Stalin (who isnt even there) As they are doing it, they realise that nobody can be the first to stop clapping. So they keep going.

Minute after minute, it gets more and more ridiculous. All these senior party members clapping and looking at each other out of the corner of their eyes in terror. They know its both a farce and deadly serious.

Thats where the GOP is right now with this election.


I’ll never venture to guess what Trump himself does or does not know, but in at least some of the cases his lawyers have argued the “creative” (aka absolutely crazy) solution that they should be able to look at all of the outer envelopes and then based on how many are invalid, randomly remove that many ballots before recounting.

So, take a county with 10,000 mail in ballots. Look at every envelope and find, say 200 with some technical deficiency. Then, go over to the stack of unmatched ballots and randomly remove 200. Because mailins ran so strongly for Biden, they don’t care about targeting a particular ballot, they just want to get as many of them thrown out as possible and know that will disproportionally impact Biden votes.

It won’t be enough to overturn results, but it causes delays and any reduction in Biden margin lends credence to their narrative, which is really what they want.

Do they even save the signed outer ballots after opening?

They successfully got a ballot thrown out this way in Wisconsin.


That’s not the question. It’s just how he sows doubt. It doesn’t have to make sense.

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I posted that yesterday. They actually did that in Milwaukee I think. Just picked out some number (3?) in batch because 3 didn’t match or didn’t have envelopes or they were 3 envelopes short.


To all our Jewish friends:


Trump appears to be going HAM against Kemp and Dewine for not supporting his coup. Going to be glorious when both of them get primaried from the right in 2022 by a trump-supported fascist.


Kemp is a full on deplorable and enormous piece of shit, to get to his right someone is going to have to go full QAnon in a statewide race.


Yep. There’s a federal law that requires holding on to those kinds of election records for 22 months, and probably similar laws at the state level. It’s to help preserve evidence in case someone does, say, send in a ballot for a dead person (you can’t necessarily prove who the vote was for in order to change election results, but you can possibly use the outer envelope to establish that a bogus application was made and vote cast.)

42 USC 1974: Retention and preservation of records and papers by officers of elections; deposit with custodian; penalty for violation.


Dude they don’t care. He’s literally just making shit up. Like the last four years. This is just more of the same.


Trump’s lead attorney is literally and publicly accusing Kemp of taking a bribe to be in on a conspiracy with Venezuela and the CIA to rig the vote in Georgia in favor of communists. I am not making this up. That is a real thing that she has publicly alleged now and is circling around in OAN and Newsmax circles. Noted hero of the left checks notes Brian Kemp. The Overton window has shifted again. Kemp is now slightly to the left of the insane center of the republican party.


We might have a new candidate for PEAK OBAMA:
