The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

fradulent votes


I’d love to be wrong, but I still think Perdue and Loeffler get the standard Trump endorsement tweet ("strong on immigration, second amendment, etc.)

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Yeah ive followed them and their king nick a bit. Racist sexist bigoted assholes. Really disappointing seeing young people go down that path in 2020.

I mean it’s possible but those with NPD tend to lash out. There is no personal benefit to Trump if they win. He’s gonna burn it all down on the way out.

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It’s actually better for him if they lose, right? Dems get the trifecta, in four years he gets to run against whatever radical leftist socialist communist legislation they pass (like solidifying the ACA).


Trump will probably continue pleading his case through the EC vote counting ceremony in January. Which I believe is his last chance other than “fuck you”.

Come to think of it, I’m mildly surprised Barr couldn’t find anyone in the DoJ to handle the suits instead of making the campaign pay. Most of them would resign rather than do it, but there should have been someone.

Did we finally find a band we both like?

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He’s probably going to call for abolishing the electoral college after it votes against him lol…

tenor (4)




If you had gotten ponied on this meme, I think the Internet would just break.


Yeah, no. I stopped reading at your hapless description of Margaret Thatcher as a gifted politician, and your exclusion of Ardern.

You have nfi what you’re talking about. Even Thatcher’s supporters at the time found her politically naive and inflexible and there was constant talk of them wanting to replace such a polarising leader who split the country in two.

Lazily trotting our a list of female political leaders and assuming them all to be good at politics is like assuming every successful business person got there through good decisions and hard work.


What then do you attribute her success to if not skill?

Right place/right time, mainly.

She only entered the leadership campaign against the PM, Heath, because his supporters wanted someone to stand to make it look like a contest.

She was adopted by the right wing of the party because Heath was on the left (it’s an indication of how far the Overton window has shifted since then that the current Labour leader Starmer is more right wing than Heath was), and in particular by Keith Joseph, so she got lucky again there because he was the feared intellectual darling of the new right.

Bhutto too has an awful reputation in Pakistan as an incompetent kleptocrat.

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When Bhutto assumed power it was thought she’d at last take the opportunity to repeal the legal requirement for a rapist to be convicted only if several other people (I forget how many) witnessed it.

She didn’t even take this on.

It’s absurd of BS to cite these female leaders and omit Ardern.

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You think it was just luck that she was in such a position to begin with, was who they picked, and that she won. And that she held power for a decade and broke the unions and the left to such a degree that they are still in tatters.

Being in the right place at the right time again and again is what skill looks like.

Read what I said - they picked her because they thought she had no chance of winning. That’s not skill, it’s luck through lack of skill. Her only cabinet experience had been as Education Secretary, one of the more junior positions, and she had hardly covered herself in glory there, earning herself the moniker that schoolkids of the time remember well of “Margaret Thatcher, milk snatcher”.

She held on to power as PM for a decade without ever getting more than 44% of votes, because the anti-Tory majority in the country was split between two parties - again, luck.

That 44% was gained after Argentina invaded the Falklands, giving her the excuse to mount a winnable war, rallying the patriots and xenophobes. Before then her party had been behind in the polls by anywhere between 10% and 20%, unemployment was 10% and the Tories were staring an electoral wipeout in the face. Again, luck.

Despite winning three GEs her party found the excuse to get rid of her it had been looking for after some poor results in European elections iirc, because she was such a divisive leader - what does that tell you about her political skill?

Arguing about this is silly when no contemporary accounts of that period support what you and BS are suggesting.


People who know tournament poker should automatically assume that anyone who is at the top of anything is on a huge heater.