The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

This myth about Trump being a successful businessman who sacrificed his cushy luxury life for his country gives me some optimism that his cult of personality can‘t be easily replicated. Whoever wants to be Trump 2.0 likely won‘t have been a pop culture mainstay for decades either.

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USA#1 democracy obviously isn’t perfect but no, we’re not in the middle of a coup. No, Trump isn’t going to seize power in the next two months. The military brass hate Trump, how is he going to use soldiers to hold on to power? And the dozens of proud boys don’t really seem like a particularly effective brownshirt force if you ask me.
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Don Jr we know it’s you bro. When you are done with your dad’s phone throw it in the river.


It’s definitely a coup attempt

It’s happening right now

It just won’t be a successful coup attempt.

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You should read the article, because it doesn’t say those things are going to happen.

It would be really nice if just once the people dismissing the serious concerns others have about our current political situation would take the time to address the actual concerns being expressed.


This is a really good and seriously fucking scary piece.

It is getting very difficult to see a path out for the US.

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The mask off authoritarianism of the Republican party is an actual huge problem that has been ratcheting up for like 10 years in the Senate and in state and local legislatures around the country. Trump’s flailing about isn’t. An actual coup isn’t the danger here.

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Will we still have a democracy or not? Find out… After these messages.

Are you incredibly anxious? I don’t see why. You must be some kind of failure. Take these expensive pills and go to sleep. Pussy.

Do you want a gun? You can have one. Seriously you can just buy a gun if you want. It’s insane. Go buy a gun.

We love diversity here at amazon. Forget about our heinous anti Union practices because black people.

This is the most powerful phone we’ve ever made. We thought about making a less powerful one than before but figured that would be dumb. Don’t know why we have to say in ever iteration that it’s the most powerful it’s kind of assumed but hey here’s some upbeat music and pretty colours you need a new phone right? Well you don’t need one obviously but go buy one.


She was also a bad senator and a bad secretary of state.


Have you read the article? Because you’re still not addressing the issues it raised.

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You’re responding to me, but your post was not related to anything I said.

Ok. Wrong reply button then.

Eta: now it’s all just confusing. I’m just leaving it instead of a trail of ‘post withdrawn by author’


Lol all these takes about HRC only getting her shot at senator because she was Clinton’s wife when meanwhile, like 95 percent of all national politicians in the US got their big shot because of who they are related to. It’s straight up sexism.


Or true.

However you want to frame it I guess.

I know nobody here would say that about AOC since she’s a woman. They wouldn’t say it because it’s false.


Except that’s what a coup is. Using force to seize power. Filing an election lawsuit isn’t a coup, holding a press conference isn’t a coup.