The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

One of whom had to resign a Federal judgeship because she did all the tax fraud with Donald, because of course.

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You really have to wonder what it was like to grow up in that family that created 100% monsters. Not one was able to escape the black hole and become even mildly decent.

I mean if you were born with a conscience in that family you probably drank yourself to death.


The older brother shunned the business. He might have been ok. (And drank himself to death)


At least Biden and Trump agree on something I guess. We aren’t shutting down the economy folks, just the virus!

Without a stimulus deal in hand a shut down is just totally impossible.


He did hire 1/3 of the floor…

and his daughter Mary seems normal.

Anyone hoping for bold action from Biden on anything is likely to be severely disappointed.

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I mean, he’s right that a national shutdown is dumb when you can have regional shutdowns in the hot zones. I guess the whole country will be a hot zone when he’s inaugurated though, so…


I doubt he has the authority for a national shutdown but sending the message that the economy is more important than the health and wellbeing of our citizens is a bad message. Just say something like I will do everything in my power to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and don’t answer the question. Or say I will encourage and support governors in hard hit areas to make the tough decisions required to slow the spread.

Don’t worry, everyone, Rick Scott will pull through just fine.

If my life were on the line and I had to choose between Rudy Giuliani and Lionel Hutz, I’d choose Hutz AINEC.


Honestly, his best bet is to go nuts with getting the vaccine distributed ASAP while just aggressively pushing the “just wear your fucking masks for a few more weeks assholes, we’re almost there” message. Keep it simple and be seen as the sane guy who got immunity for everybody in an organized way.

Trying to walk that line between minimizing deaths and keeping the economy rolling, without pissing off everybody on both sides, is a fool’s errand at this point.


Especially by January 20th the worst will likely be over and people will be either voluntarily taking precautions or we will have widespread state/city lockdowns. I don’t think your average person realizes 4-5k deaths/day is coming in a few weeks no matter what we do now. My guess is that there is some kind of a response to that.

I’m not even saying he should do a lockdown. I’m saying that flat saying that is dumb and also totally unsurprising from Biden. He is going to do everything he can to not upset the apple cart.

Sen. Rick Scott, c’mon down! You’re the next contestant on Might Die From Covid.



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