The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

It means, from the city of Philadelphia in the great COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania… Go fuck yourself, loser!

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The four letter suffix that starts with c that you’re looking for is…


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This is definitely my favorite Trump tweet ever.


Counter argument: Abortions go down under Dems and up under Republicans due to better access to contraception.

Counter strategy: use dark money to fund a new single issue third party called the Pro Life Party and try to split off 5-10% of the GOP vote.


Count ferociously, you say?



There is no counterargument. Once you talk about zygotes and shit, they roll their eyes.




I kinda get it, though? It’s not an easy thing to decide exactly when a clump of cells becomes a human being. Evangelicals say it’s right there with that one fertilized egg and I think that’s bullshit, but also I don’t really know where I would draw the line.

The conservatives are giving people a simple, easy answer for where they can draw the line. Abortion is always bad from day one. The left has an uncomfortable, nuanced position that is difficult to sell to people who want clear guidelines.


Is she secretly a Mexican or something?


Hold on, you’re telling me nuance isn’t the enemy of consistency? :face_with_monocle:

Is it that hard? Draw the line at the point where the baby can live outside of the womb. Before that point it is part of the woman’s body.

There no clear answer to this question either afaik (not a doctor), and obviously changes with medicine advances.

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Of course. But it works as a clear and easy to understand line to draw.

Ok, but I think Trolly’s point is that life begins at conception is a simple line to draw. Life outside the womb, whenever that may be and accepting that it’s different in different cases and will never be tested in the ones we care about certainly isn’t simple like that.

But if the discussion moves to when exactly a baby can live outside the womb you’ve already won an important fight in the battle.

I dunno, I guess I’ll leave it there, but it seems like your proposal to counter a comfortably simple framing is to offer a complicated one instead. Which seems like exactly the reason people went with the simple one in the first place.

The other angle is to make their position more complex. If you draw the line at conception, are you going to treat every miscarriage as a potential homicide? When a pregnant woman smokes a cigarette, is that assault? Etc.

There is enough stupidity to make them uncomfortable with the position, but it is never good if you have to argue it on their turf. Before you know it, they’ll try to start prosecuting miscarriages.

They believe that from conception that clump cells is inhabited by a soul and therefore is a full-fledged human being. You won’t get anywhere with biological arguments because it’s a theological issue.


It depends.