The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

how do you “ferociously” count every vote?


I hope Trump goes back to making millions of dollar on network TV


My PredictIt account disagrees


What an epic loser. Just unbelievable that there are 70 million Americans who believe in this idiot.


Man, being an edgy dipshit who lets terrible people on his show is Maher’s whole deal. It always has been.

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Seemed more quant/harmless when those horrible people didn’t also dominate the White House, Congress and Facebook.
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Dems need to figure out how many are single issue voters based on abortion. Not sure how you do that but it’s gotta be a big number. I know my sister is one. She’s pretty liberal in every other way you can imagine but none of it matters because she truly believes abortion is murder.

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The history of abortion as a political issue is interesting. In the mid-19th century 20-25% of all pregnancies in the US ended in abortion. But by 1900 abortion was a felony in every state. It’s almost entirely manufactured and it’s quite recent that it’s a Republican thing. Barry Goldwater was involved in founding a local Planned Parenthood office.

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I know I am going 2/2 responding to bot, but seeing fucker clutch at straws makes me happy

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There are just a freaking ton of voters who don’t agree with Republicans but will snap-vote for them because of abortion. And there’s a certain logic to it? If you actually believe that abortion = murder, it’s an easy sell that even Trump is the lesser of two evils if he stops mass baby murder.

Catholics and Evangelicals have the position that being a full-on human being starts right when a cell get fertilized, which definitely isn’t based on scripture or science in any way, but it’s what they all believe and I don’t know what the counter argument is.


They used to think life started at the quickening. Science undid that thinking.

Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.

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bovada is still holding out the possibility trump wins lol


Does this mean they are still taking Biden action? Or just not yet paying out Biden action?

what is the point of rallies whipping up people to support a guy who wants to defy the election?

they stopped accepting all action like last thursday or friday, i think

I honestly don’t blame them (depending on the fine print of the lines). Paying out Biden bets and Trump hitting his crazy super unlikely out would be a massive hit.