The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

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Seems kinda weird situation here as far as best outcomes from protestors standpoint.

Obviously the thing they really want is for Israel to stop killing Palestinians and obviously any university can’t deliver that so instead they have to ask for acknowledgment of genocide, divestment, etc. So if the universities give the students what they asking for and protests settle down then relatively little is being done towards accomplishing the real goal. But if universities don’t cooperate with the protestors and things escalate it puts more pressure on Biden to put more pressure on Israel to actually stop killing Palestinians.

Lol. “Where are their parents?” These are college kids. Ya know, adults.

For the first point, I’m not making that assumption. I think universities, by condemning the original terrorist attacks and remaining silent about the ongoing war aren’t even maintaining the appearance of neutrality. (I don’t know for sure that all universities spoke against the terrorist attacks, but I’ve been using OSU as an example, and I know they did.) So I think it would be totally appropriate to now say, “Israel had a right to self defense, but they are now fighting an unjust war (or maybe fighting a just war unjustly). We condemn the actions taken against innocent Palestinians.” My point was that I don’t think that statement would have any positive effect on campus protests.

For the second point, I do think there is a difference of opinion/assumption. If you have an explicit rule that says “students may not do X”, but then you allow certain groups to do X because you judge their position to be morally superior, you’ve locked yourself into allowing other groups to do X. I mean, I live in red state Ohio, and there are already abortion protestors on campus all the time. I have no problem believing that those protestors would grab the opportunity to set up permanent encampments surrounded by graphic photos of aborted fetuses. And if the university tried to shut them down, they’d get sued into oblivion by our lunatic attorney general. You can rightly call this a slippery slope argument, but I don’t think that invalidates it.

And I just don’t believe that “Organise open air lectures in the quads with your network of intelligent people to discuss facts and solutions and different viewpoints” is a strategy. Has there been any evidence from any school that protestors on either side would be interested in this?

It’s not intended to be a strategy. The universities job is to educate people. So they should take this opportunity to do that. It’s not intending to achieve anything other than for its own end.

I also fundamentally disagree that you have to restrict all expression or else you will have to allow objectionable expression.

The Scottish Parliament for instance has banned rainbow lanyards because they might have to allow far right or sexist lanyards.

Have a fairly broad set of rules around behaviours, rights, freedoms, and then enforce that.

Even if you don’t go that far. If enforcing your rules requires setting the violence of the police on your own students then you shouldn’t do that, regardless. Sometimes the downside of enforcement is worse than allowing people to break rules.

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The quad was largely unused. They are just settling it.


Aww the Frum Chait alliance, getting back together from the Iraq War

Deleted about a Twitter thread where Chait and Frum are chummy because the picture uploads funny

Can confirm my yokel in laws (who have zero even tangential connections to Israel or know any actual Jewish people) are infuriated about these protests. A perfect storm of young people are snowflakes combined with schools indoctrinating children starting in elementary school with liberal ideology, even tossing in a bit of covid snark vis a vis their “mask wearing”.

Not that you are even the least bit surprised/curious, the solution is obviously to send them to Palestine if they love it so much and also kill every last person there because a terrorist killed a kid (including the kids, ldo).

International relations is easy!

Ask them if we should have killed every single person in Iraq and Afghanistan, if they say yes. Ask about killing every person in Germany or Italy. If yes, ask about the North killing ever Southerner in the US during the civil war.

yes no no ldo

The police interview seems like the police don’t really know the law very well, and well are generally assholes to the media

Indiana Public Media’s Ethan Sandweiss spoke with ISP superintendent Doug Carter on Monday to ask about his department’s response.

Sandweiss : Is hate speech not also a protected First Amendment right?

Carter : Let’s leave that for the lawyers. Let’s leave that for the process that could occur after this.

Sandweiss : But it is speech. What line would this speech have to pass to become criminal speech?

Carter : The understanding of the First Amendment is not endless, I’ll just leave it at that.

Carter : I’ll be more than happy to explain that to you. What we’re seeing here and the opinions that we have based on violence and then what we’re seeing factually of what those threats are. All it would have taken is for someone to have to have been that martyr that opens fire on a crowd, and the only way to mitigate that is from above.

The overwatch location gives us the ability to pay attention to what’s occurring overhead, not laterally on the field.

That got turned into a closed sniper position. Could it have become that? Yes. Was that our intent? No.

I’ve been accused of wanting another Kent State. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even so, that presence there is based on the possibility, not a probability.

Sandweiss : How high is the probability? Were weapons found in the camp? Any specific weapons that you’re able to mention?

Carter : The probability of that occurring is probably pretty low.

Sandweiss : But there were no weapons?

Carter : There were rocks found. We had a trooper bit, we had a trooper with a broken finger. So again, should we respond to that after we find a threat and after people are injured, or should we be prepared for what the possibility is to occur? I don’t expect you or your listeners to understand that, but my job is to protect all that are there based on a number of different scenarios that could occur.

guy’s describing thought crimes. soon as his answer to “but have you actually FOUND any weapons?” was “there were rocks”, you throw your hands up and walk away.

And also to the protestors :person_shrugging:

I have a prediction: Self-important college kids aren’t going to make the situation any better by playing revolutionary.