The C-Word

I simply countered one poster’s opinion of another’s poster’s contributions to this forum. Why are u commenting? I’m going to give a family member a hug now, have a pleasant evening.

Lift the restriction, and I’ll self-restrict to one post per 15 minutes for 12 hours from the timestamp of this post. If I violate it, or edit a post to respond to one below the one I am editing, ban me for 3 days.




Yes, it has always been about the ethnic cleansing of British and any British-adjacent from this forum.

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The reason you like a lot of my posting is because it’s directed at people you don’t like. You don’t find me witty or insightful, but you like it when I slap down the people you want to see slapped down.

You don’t like it when that gun is turned in your direction. There you go, I read the room.

I want the mods to be able to mod without being subject to a perpetual harassment campaign from the permanently resentful.


I’ll take your lack of response as a declinature of my offer. Don’t say I didn’t try.

(Cross-replying because imo it moves beyond the censorship discussion per se) This attitude — and it’s a shitty attitude — is one of the reasons censoring the word is unlikely to work. It even feels somewhat disingenuous; I mean I assume the N-word is censored here (don’t feel like testing that) but I also think someone who was very clearly using it, censorship be damned, would be banned and would be banned for doing that, even if they carefully avoided doing anything else banworthy. In fact, I’d hope so. IMO, the mere fact that you’re willing to accept the use of ■■■■ if censored indicates that you don’t really think what you’ve just said you think. You just think it will be a compelling argument if accepted at face value.

I’ve argued ITT that the word is just different in other parts of the English-speaking world, and virtually everyone from other English-speaking parts of the world agrees. Are we all lying? Or just mistaken about our own language? I’ve even been patient about the fact that non-Americans seem to understand that it’s highly offensive in American English while Americans seem to have genuine difficulty grasping that it’s just not in other forms of English. We all grew up watching far more American movies and TV shows, reading far more American books etc than the converse. But past a certain point, maintaining this attitude, this notion that the word means what it means in American English and nothing else is just ignorance. Provincial, parochial ignorance.

I’m sympathetic to the argument that the sensitivity of those who are offended by it matters more than the sensibilities of people who don’t see it as a big deal. If people want to censor the word, well I may think it’s futile, but that’s all it is, I’m not being oppressed or even actually censored in any meaningful way. But I object in the strongest fucking terms possible to the insistence that no it is sexist when a Brit calls Johnson a ■■■■ , it just is!!!1!

You’re going to get your asterisks or whatever, you’re going to get what you want. You won. It’s bad form, and bad for the forum, and just bad generally, to maintain this idea that Oh we had to ban the c-word because the sexist Brits kept sexistly using it in a sexist way because they’re sexist. If you need to tell yourself you’re committing to a noble lie and merely pretending that non-Americans use the word differently, then go ahead and do that, take the W and shut the fuck up.

False choice.


If your company hired a single American female ex-pat at your company, and after hearing your use of the term told you that it made her extremely uncomfortable, belittled, and unwelcome even though you used it to describe Boris Johnson, would you insist that your usage wasn’t sexist or drop your use of the word?

I want you to moderate your posting all the time, not for just a 12 hour window during most of which you’ll be asleep.

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Is there anyone here who thinks this?

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It’s odd you think I don’t. You should hear how my friends and I talk to one another.

I don’t see any other way to interpret:

I feel that would be like justifying the use of a racial slur amongst a group that did not include the slurred race.


Like it’s been a whole discussion, mate.

Then what would you do?

I’d do what ‘false choice’ implies and what I was already doing before this entire discussion began — I’d curb my use of the term in areas where it was likely to cause offence. I certainly wouldn’t send an email around saying “Sexism now banned, no more c-words lads” and if I did do that, I’d expect people to object to it.

It’s just locker room talk!

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Yes. It’s hard to believe you haven’t seen this said. I mean, this was the whole of the original thrust - the word is sexist wherever in the world it’s used because you must bow to our definition.

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It’s not, though. “Locker-room talk” implies that it would ordinarily be abstained from in the presence of women. That’s just not the case here. Like you are emphatically proving my point here about the inability of certain people to process that no, it really does mean something different outside America.

Tempban for abuse of someone who I just found out is still posting here.

I’m sorry, I thought you were answering the previous question about what you would do if an American expat joined your workplace and told you she found your use of the word uncomfortable or peoblematic.

As in, it’s ok to say it in the “locker room”, just not around her.


Are you allowed to tempban mods? Because there are several personal attacks in the other thread and some of them are from mods.