The C-Word

Fair. I didn’t realize anyone was doing that.

Asking him for a trip report isn’t condoning his trip - it’s accepting he went and hoping he enjoyed it and was safe.

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Thanks for reading my blog.

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I didn’t see those posts, but I guess I’m not surprised coming from that poster. Rest of the community seems more restrained imo.

I have never read your blog.

Telling that the disgusting classist lie you made up to shit on me doesn’t even register as a point in this conversation. Amazing that you can recap the other day without including it, but that’s you after all.

It’s not nonsense to describe a bunch of people acting like a team as one. When you and fidget and marty and to a lesser degree d2 are always on the same side criticizing the mods in the same ways in every discussion on moderation and forum rules, it stands out. Like, I don’t get offended when you talk about THE MODERATORS instead of each of us individually. I’m not sure why you’re surprised at this characterization when you certainly act like they’re your allies.

What I and other moderators have issue with is that there is no mod action that can be taken against you or someone you’re sympathetic to that you cannot describe as being biased. It’s unfalsifiable, and no explanation is acceptable. So, either you get carte blanche for abuse, or you wage ongoing campaigns against the unfitness of any mod that does anything (and doing anything about that campaign, then, is of course further proof of bias).

Pretty lol to address this to both of them when one of them follows the other one around to make sure to criticize every mod decision, post, and comment the other one makes. Wookie is basically the new Commonwealth now, without the blowups.

We don’t call you a “mod clique”, we call you the mods which is what you are.

If people want this forum to come together (and I’m beginning to doubt this) they have to stop inventing “cliques” to demonise people they have very obvious and frequently expressed grudges against.

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Given that most of my mental health talk is inside of that thread, I’m fairly certain you have. It would be trivial for me to check, but I won’t do that.

I cringe at even giving your post any kind of credence, but my speaking about mental health has helped more than a few people, and they’ve said so.


I included it. You are lying again, or cannot read.

So it was all a big lie? :cry:

Do I get a refund?

Sure. When you send me the £500 I’ll return it minus fees.

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So ******** in place of the word the clique doesn’t want censored has clearly won the pole and it’s been several days. Can we update the software now? That maybe ends this thread? Instead of it just being the general airing of the grievances thread. That’s what “About Moderation” is for!

You are hardly above assigning people to groups that you hold a grudge against:

But ok, I’m down with jman’s idea, we’ll add “cl*que” to the profanity filter. (Edit, lol, misread jman’s post, but we can still do this).

I would appreciate your input on the second, more important part of that post.

Seems legit.



Yet micro has already given you a specific example of when he banned me and I accepted it with grace and without complaint. So maybe the problem isn’t me?

I will replace “clique” with “small group of posters from the UK who like to follow around other posters and mods and troll them for shits and giggles.” Now, can we please implement the results of the pole and replace the c word with ********? kthxbye.

That you have once does not address the substance of my argument, that you are the only arbiter of what is biased that you will accept, and as such, any mod has to weigh drawing your ire with any action taken against you. Mods should not have to accept your perpetual abuse whenever they take an action you do not like.

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I didn’t have an issue with goofy banning me recently either. I was pissed off at Wookie’s ban because he was an active participant in the discussion on the opposing side, because it was for “bad faith” which is an ill-defined concept at best as we’ve seen recently, and because he trolled me in the thread while I was banned and unable to respond.