The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

I kinda get what she’s saying, but the difference is that liberals actually aren’t gleefully killing babies. They’re providing basic care to raped children. The right is actually gleefully forcing birth on ten year olds. The reason why “the left” is treating those things differently is that they’re really fucking different

right, it applies… for now. they’ve already started dismantling the establishment clause, it shouldn’t be too hard to sweep away enough of equal protection to allow states to do whatever they want.

no way I’m actually clicking through on a mcardle tweet, what the fuck is she trying to argue here? “hey most 10 year olds can’t get knocked up so it’s no big deal to deny abortions”?

This is the actual tweet she is responding to:

sure, I totally agree with her, pointing out the negative outcomes from the policy she supports makes her and the other supporters of that policy look like fucking monsters. Which they are.

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  • That tweet should have been aborted
  • Megan McArdle should have been aborted

0 voters

The issue I have is why exactly “glee” matters. On either side of the argument. It’s just a loaded term to make either side look bad.

I don’t think heartless efficient killing is much different than gleeful killing. It’s certainly no different for the victim or (in most cases) the victim’s loved ones. It’s more subjectively depraved perhaps. Also, scale is more important than intent. Many of the Nazi killing fields were cold efficient factories of death. They’re much more objectively worse than a gleeful killing spree.

What does matter is the relative merits of the “viable” fetus or “potential of life” over the actually living human’s health decisions. It would seem that the moment of conception and immediate aftermath would have virtually no relative importance as “life” than an actually alive woman. As the fetus matures it becomes increasingly “significant” as a rights holder (this was Roe’s logic), and I think it makes some sense. The one question I have is whether a child that could reasonably survive outside the womb should be allowed to be aborted if there is virtually no risk to the Mother’s health to bring it to term. That’s really a tricky situation because pregnancy is such a dynamic health context and there is almost never “no risk”.

Glee matters because it’s a message board and we are tilted.

What are you doing.

“Glee” as a term was being used by both sides in the Twitter debate as a pointless cudgel. I mean if it helps you to use those terms, go ahead. I think it clouds the actual issues.

A vast majority of the public (90+% conservatively) has a gray position on abortion, so if they happen to lean on one or the other side marginally (as so many do) they probably don’t like being accused of “gleefully killing fetuses” or “gleefully forcing raped children to give birth”, and it’s definitely not fair. As to the politicians, gleefully wanting children to be raped or have fetuses killed, I don’t think most of them do.

nomatterwho was today years old when he learned that marketing is a thing that exists

This is the matt ygelsias substack of posts.

That will teach those hussies to spread their legs

Feel like this is not getting nearly enough attention? This is going to be the law in like 20+ states. It is the state mandated murder of innocent people.

Meanwhile here’s chiefsplanet


Watching her work in real time from “10 year old raped that’s a lie” to “ok it’s true but she could have gotten an abortion” to “ok maybe she couldn’t have gotten an abortion but it’s rare” to “ok it’s not that rare, and I’m not advocating 10 year olds get raped, but maybe it’s not so bad being forced to have a kid”

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I’m unclear on this. If a 10 year old child has an abortion can the child be arrested and sent to jail? Or is it just the adults that were involved?

I don’t think so either, but I’m sure they are working on it.

Sounds horrifying, but hey, politicians lie. Who can know what they really believe?

I honestly can’t tell if this tweeter has just never been pulled over? Like, cops ask this shit to literally everyone they pull over.