The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

Dammit RBG, why couldn’t you just hold out a few more months? Couldn’t they put her on machines or something?

I don’t know how anyone can be an RBG stan after that sequence of events. She could have avoided it, but her selfishness wouldn’t allow it. Even if she lived another 6 months, it would have been a bad decision, but I think I could have forgiven her.

RBG deserves as much contempt as everyone who ruled for the majority in Dobbs. Maybe more.

If it was completely out of the blue like Scalia, that would be one thing. But given her health she should have fucking known the gamble she was taking for everyone.

At least Breyer learned his lesson did what he was supposed to.


Yeah but before Kennedy there wasn’t a ton of precedent for strategic retiring. As usual Republicans plumb the new low first and Democrats have to play catch up.

Also when was she supposed to retire, before Obama’s first mid-term? That seems hard to know.

If she retires early in Obama’s second term or earlier, no blame. If Mitch blocked for 4 yrs, I wouldn’t put that on her.

Also I assume Stevens and Souter were strategic retirements. I imagine they would both have left sooner if not for GWB.

I think there’s a difference between staying longer than you would like and retiring earlier than you prefer.

Sure. But so what?

If you do not retire earlier than you prefer, you may end up having to say longer than you would like or are physically able to. So, you don’t make that choice unless you can follow through.

Probably would have been a good idea, but definitely before his second.

She was 80 goddamn years old in 2013. Democrats had 53 senators at the time.

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The juxtaposition of RBG’s cult deification with her selfish decision to wither away on the bench just long enough to allow for a GOP appointee which set back civil rights decades is one of the great mysteries of our time.

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It’s the vestigial belief that the US Court’s work in the way they say the do as a broader belief in the correctness of the American system of government. Justices are supposed to serve for life and be free of political influences. They also all try to read the law correctly so it shouldn’t matter to much who you put on the court as they’ll all more or less judge the same.

Of course now we have Roe overturned, the Supreme Court hungryly shredding precedent, a Republican judge in Texas holding up Biden’s immigrantion policies for years, dismantling Obamacare, and about to ban abortative drugs.

Turns out it matters who’s on the courts and what’s their philosophy because the ‘balls and strikes’ seem to look at lot different to different judges.


I don’t think it’s really a mystery. People need heroes, and RBG was a trail blazer for women. Her decisions late in life were stupid and harmful, but they don’t define her entire life.


Right, I understand that’s what she, the fossil insulated from reality, thought.

My surprise stems from the fact that no one thought they could approach her to uh dispel her of these ridiculous notions to anyone with a pulse. She’s more like Trump than Biden.


Are we sure about that? Maybe it was just selfishness and ego from the start and we just got lucky that she happened to pick the right causes to champion because she thought that would be the best way to get ahead.

Sure, that’s possible.

I’d go a bit farther than “possible”.

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RBG’s legacy is whatever the Notorious ACB delivers for the next 30+ years. As far as strategic retirements I think Sandy’s was strategic, and Marshall was holding on for dear life so Saint Reagan couldn’t replace him. I’m not sure about White but retiring the second Clinton took over sure feels like it was strategic. I’m sure it goes back way further than that too. I mean they were resizing the court so Andrew Johnson couldn’t appoint people; I’m sure the judges were probably playing games back then too.


NC Democrat expected to change parties

This seems potentially really bad.


Shitlib again materially helps POC’s while the left polices memes or whatever.

Big Gretch Energy ‘24.