The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

I was trying to imagine what I’d do if my significant other had to have a hysterectomy that would have been completely avoidable but for this law, and most things I came up with involved violence.


Free speech!

This might have been mentioned here or elsewhere, but the You’re Wrong About pod had an episode that was just women’s abortion stories in their own voices. 100% worth a listen.

The largest antiabortion organization in Texas has created a team of advocates assigned to investigate citizens who might be distributing abortion pills illegally.

Students for Life of America, a leading national antiabortion group, is making plans to systematically test the water Erin Brockovich-style in several large U.S. cities, searching for contaminants they say result from medication abortion.

And Republican lawmakers in Texas are preparing to introduce legislation that would require internet providers to block abortion pill websites in the same way they can censor child pornography.

Nearly six months since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade , triggering abortion bans in more than a dozen states, many antiabortion advocates fear that the growing availability of illegal abortion pills has undercut their landmark victory. Now they are grasping for new ways to crack down on those breaking the law.

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man they’re going to be pissed when they realize you can use misoprostol for not abortion things.

I think conservatives should take money earmarked for political campaign contributions and spend millions on doing this in every city across the country.

Why are they going to be pissed? I can’t imagine they would care.

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Yeah, this. Unless one of those things is giving old white dudes boners. Then, yeah, they would be pissed.

If Viagra and other PDIs could induce abortions they would still never, ever, ever be outlawed.

Ooof, the happy Tiktok tag at the end there is really jarring. This poor fucking woman, man

The F.D.A. Now Says It Plainly: Morning-After Pills Are Not Abortion Pills

Cannot wait for the religious right to read the information, nod their head, jot some notes, and then go out and move some goalposts to still try to ban Plan B


“The FDA are pedophile demons sent by Jesus to destroy America.”

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I mean they already hate the idea of the poors having access to birth control, so they’ll just pivot to flat out trying to ban all forms of it instead of just making it hard for them to afford it etc.

As long as the religious right is focused on woke sloots refusing to re-populate the white race, and not minorities out-breeding white people, any form of birth control is unacceptable.

How do we get evangelicals to switch back to fear of being out-bred?

It’s a hatred of unmarried women. It transcends race, social class, and other political motivation. Unmarried women are an affront to everything they think society should be.

If we are including voters in “they,” this is simply not true.

I’m talking about pro-life extremists (obviously?)

Define pro-life extremist. Is someone who attends a peaceful, pro-life protest meeting that definition?

Evangelicals generally didn’t have a problem with Roe v. Wade when it came it. Most of the opposition was Catholics.

What changed? Did they suddenly grow a conscience about dead fetuses? Or maybe it was decades of hot button-pushing propaganda playing on innate racism about sloots murdering beautiful white babies.

That’s my theory anyway. I think if evangelicals saw abortion as something used by poor minorities they wouldn’t be freaking out to where they’re single issue voters over it. The level of their opposition to morning after pill will be a good test of this theory imo.

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