The 2024 Hurricane Season - Helene Heading to FLA Panhandle

Atlanta got lucky. Storm ended up going like 100 mi east of original projection after landfall. Augusta got nailed.

Upstate SC not so much. Power out everywhere and my roof just started leaking

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Tampa and St Pete got flooded bad. Lots of fires. A friend’s friend had their house burn down b/c their Tesla caught on fire

My brother south of Asheville is getting socked. He’s at some elevation so his place should be ok I think. I’ve heard any deets since last night.

Stupid auto-correct. But then again MJ is the GOAT.

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My is north of Tampa prob 5 miles inland. Power went out. Was windy. Not too bad for the.

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I still don’t trust the trees and haven’t been outside to look, but so far so good here.

I’m sorry man - good luck.


I’ve got family all over East TN/Western NC. They are fine but the Great Smoky Mtn Area is pretty much entirely flooded. They said basically every mountain town and road is flooded/closed/gone.

This is hospital is in Erwin, TN, about 15 miles south of where my Dad grew up in Johnson City.


damn storm blew away all your nouns! :dizzy_face:


So after Idalia last year now Helene you would think people might consider alternatives to this region, wouldnt u?
How much does the average joe get on emergency funds from the government? Or do you solely rely on your insurance?