In real life this person was Alan Thicke. Once at the Burbank Airport, my wife and I were sitting in a little snack bar type place waiting to leave for Vegas. Out in one of the gate areas, I hear the unmistakable sound of Alan Thicke’s douchebag slur. There’s no way he was doing that other than for getting attention. He was at least 125 feet away.
Even so, the loudest voice of a person I have ever worked with was John Landis. He has an absolutely booming and insanely loud voice that does not have an inside switch. If you were at a club, the DJ would probably say, ‘why is that guy drowning out the music?’.
Apparently the reporters are at the end of the lawn closer to the protest, so it’s unclear what will be heard by the convention crowd, Trump, and over TV. I assume CNN and MSNBC go split screen?