The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

I think most hoped she wasn’t a grifting, grasping sociopath like her older siblings, but there was never any reason to think she was going to be the VP on AOC’s ticket in the future.

What if she was told she had to give a speech if she wanted any support going forward and wanted to keep her inheritance? I don’t know how much money Trump actually has to pass on, but knowing his vindictiveness, even toward his own family, I might have had to do the walk of shame, too, were I his spawn.

Fuuuuuuuck yeah. Xbox game pass here I come

Like going 6 bets pre vs a complete maniac in a LHE game with AsKs, and the flop is red 765, I’m not sure where to start.


It’s seriously an intentional fuck you to science and health policy.

All they have to do is space the chairs and wear masks.

Its pure evil. If there is any justice a Covid outbreak will take out a large number of attendants.


Hatch act something something.

I’m sure trump gets off on knowing that people are willing to die to see him speak. Wouldn’t be too surprised if he demanded no masks and no distancing specifically because he thrives on the power of putting people in that position.


COVID droplets remain infectious at what is it now, as far as 26ft? Surely someone used to train spitting loogies as a kid?

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He’s only accepting it at the WH beccause he’s too lazy to travel any further if it isn’t for golf.

Are you guys ready for the stupidest thing possible. A man who has been the president for three and a half years claiming with a straight face that he alone in the entire world has the solution to the things that are happening under his own presidency, and that if you reelect him he will solve them. And 30-40% of the population will completely agree.


Yep it’s the most 2020 thing imaginable that he keeps saying “look at all the chaos in America. It will be so bad under Biden” as he is president.

It’s like he forgets he is incumbent.


At least he’s a hard worker:

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That nazi video was pretty good. :grimacing:

Jesus…Trump sounds like the obnoxious guy whose voice carries louder than everyone else’s at the corner bar.

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Dear god we are too stupid to move our chairs 6 feet apart and wear a cloth so please come down off your cloud and save us from our own idiocy.

Gonna be some Darwin Award winners tonight. This is truly insane.

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We must wear our masks on video just not in real life.

In my very brief career with the federal gov’t they made it clear that you can get into trouble if you use the office printer to print campaign flyers. They didn’t tell me the whole thing is run on the honor system and nothing will actually happen if you violate the Hatch Act.

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I’m sooooooooooooooooo confused by the night after night “we love black people” angle.

Sure stick it libs a night or maybe two but who is this for?

Do they really think they are winning black voters.

And in this convention, none of the guys in the testimonials have cared a bit about being harassed by cops.

I just woke up. What’d I miss?