The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Doesn’t include today’s vote.

.[quote=“Twist, post:1467, topic:3020, full:true”]
Sumter county Trump = 66.31% Biden = 33.2%

results are useless without knowing the mail/early/in person breakdown

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Florida looks super close, but that’s not a bad thing at this point.

John King seems shook

Pinellas has flipped with 75% in. Lots of GOP votes to go, tho


How are you ahead of me, and where are you looking?

was a little over 5 points

I thought it was a lot closer too, must’ve been only super close the opening night.

Pinellis county blue at 75%


Watching HasanAbi on Twitch and clipped that from the DDHQ site.


Seems like a huge difference to overcome with 25% of the vote left.

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He updated this and said 66% or less for Trump is good for Biden at 95K, how many votes are in?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1323778619697700864|twgr^share_3&

I don’t know If I can do hours of this.

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The 95k was for the final vote count.

edit - current vote count is 85k.

Biden is still only -200 on Bovada. Has all this information really meant nothing or is their betting locked?

WTF, the polls aren’t even closed there.

Then neither did Wasserman’s tweet. His tweet was basically - Sumter will drop 84k votes at 7pm.

69%+ trending red.
<66% trending blue.

Sumter dropped 88k votes on the nose.

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Florida is what florida always is

I thought 2/3 was where Trump needed to be?