The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Yes, and if their polls outdo a modeler who claims that he can do better than a pollster, we gotta wonder about the value of the modeler.

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This dude killed it:


Seems like it’s the process gumming up the works not the people. Between the ballot printing screwup (I want to say a trump world connected vendor in Pa and Oh) and challenges I guess it takes time.

While it makes us anxious it has to be Chinese water for Trump

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Obama won Indiana in 2008. (And Iowa and Ohio)



Yeah, I was a little uncomfortable canvassing for Biden in Trump Country Pennsylvania.

Definitely some risk in a place like that as a known Biden supporter right now…

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In Utah, a ballot postmarked by election day is supposed to be counted. I expect we’ll be seeing an army of Trump lawyers showing up here any minute now.


Show Philly some love guys!


I feel like the next few years there is going to be a big push to educate the left on what the “Latino” or “Hispanic” demographic even is. America is so segregated that many white liberals probably immediately think of, like, their cleaning lady when you say “the Latino demographic”. That needs to change.

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We’re savoring the demise of Donald Trump, like a fine wine.


What do you think of the tactic of making an early announcement of appointing Abrams to the Cabinet then claiming Republicans will block her nomination unless Dems win Georgia Senate runoffs as a way of goosing turn-out? Obviously, she would have to want one of those jobs.

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ah yes, I see. Mario Mendoza got a hit at his most recent at bat so he must be a batting champ


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Buckhead LuluLemon moms!

Not if you know any white Mexicans. Just the fucking worst. They’re a smidge less extreme than upper crust white colonists in Africa in the early 1900’s. You know, Toothsayer.

The longer the vote counting takes, the more nervous I get that something fucked is going to happen. They need to count faster. Or at least have back-ups of the ballots somehow.


yep. Biden doing well in AZ/NV is proof we can’t just treat Hispanics as a monolith. Id much rather focus on keeping AZ and GA blue and focus on flipping NC than spend another dime in Florida.


I like it. It’s possible it’s bad if Abrams is super polarizing for the other side?

I don’t think Hispanic is a useful metric to track honestly. They’re just voters in the districts they are from, and what appeals to that district by definition appeals to them. In the case of Miami-Dade maybe don’t normalize relations with Cuba unless you want Florida to stop being a swing state.

Some of the most rational GOP votes honestly (this bar is like 8 mm off the ground). Those people came by their hatred of socialism and communism honestly.