The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

LOL, I didn’t read who this was from, just the text, and thought it was a pretty good joke.


But yeah, the long and short of it was LG got banned by the Quisling mods for dunking too savagely on wil. Fun times.

dilbret was pretty funny though. turns out because it was drawn unironically.


If the early election day data out of Florida is our biggest waaf moment of the day I will be immensely grateful. Like beyond words. Let’s go Texas! Let’s go Pennsylvania! Let’s go Georgia! YEEEHAWWWW!!!

Who ended up getting perma’d eventually anyway after returning from a forum ban under an alias and bragging about how enjoyable it was to troll the libs.

Not a great trade from 22’s perspective.

LG was definitely clowning on Wil when he got back from the temp and drunken Mat came across the post, got upset, and permed him. I got the entire story from LG on another forum. Although my memory is foggy these days I’m sure I have the basic facts correct. Some people here should have a PM on 2+2 from my old account with that info directly from LG.



Well, that’s completely understandable. I mean, ain’t no welfare loving, arugula eating, hippe dippie liberal getting up before 11am to vote.

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He also coined some great nicknames like DrunkNRape plus the historic income bet with Wil which is a top 5 all timer for that forum in my opinion.


Predictit surging for Biden, AZ flipped back to him, PA, back to medium blue.


yup, that one was so good it was being dredged up and quoted as evidence of wil’s stupidity years after the event.

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What the fuck, I wasted my first post then! I want to improve my average! Like me dammit!


In 2008 I lived in Harlem and cast a ballot for Barack. Went out in 125th St. in the rain for the party. (Lived there in 2012 but showed up to vote at like 6pm and it was a 2+ hour wait so I was like nahhh).

Today was the first time I got emotional filling out a ballot. It legit got dusty in that school cafeteria.

I’d like to use my one time for real. Please.

(Also have a lot of personal connections to GA and TX and will 100% bawl if one of them flips.).


There was also the classic thread with the “Investment Advisor” who as it turns out didn’t understand progressive taxes. Mickey or something like that. Pretty sure LG was a big part of that masterpiece as well. He is definitely missed. He has an account here but almost never posts and he also disappeared from a football forum he used to post on all the time.

My wife cries everytime we vote. Its God damned beautiful.


If I had to vote for a candidate like these I’d be fucking crying every time too.


You’re gonna bawl twice.


Every once in awhile I think of the LG bet with random deplorable (wil?) about who makes more money after deplorable had posted his salary in the thread. I’ll try to dig it up later because it’s glorious.