The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

TFW Arizona SOS tells you to fuck off. I am so proud right now. I’ve never been proud to live here. Ever.


Think so, best case I think is 50/50 if we get both Ga runoffs

Nit: ‘santorum’ is a mass noun.

Don, might want to spend your precious remaining time issuing all the pardons and negotiating to stay out of jail. You’re wasting time.



I’m proud and I’m not even from Arizona

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That’s his favorite activity

Donald Trump threatened it as an anvil over their head to get the social media companies to do what he wanted while he was in power. In vacuum, repealing Section 230 is fine. It essentially grants social media immunity for whatever their users post.

In theory, defensible. But in practice not only does it incentive FB/Twitter to allow inflammatory lies and BS on their platforms, FB/Twitter’s algorithms actively spread and promote the worst content because it gets more attention=more clicks=more revenue.

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I’m having the fantasy of Federal goons showing up and finding the offices heavily guarded by AZ law enforcement.

Requesting new group flair @anon46587892

WASMF “We are still mostly fucked”




In response to the new Facebook guidelines, I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, illustrations, comics, paintings, professional photos and videos, etc. (as a result of the Berner Convention). For commercial use of the above my written consent is needed at all times!


Grunching. Alright Michigan. Georgia c’mon down. PA getting ready for the stretch run?

I assume we have no chance in the runoff senate election. The Kemp and ghouls in charge of the election. Stacy abrams I blame you for not running.

If Biden loses, I hereby commit to giving Santorum what he wants.

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Really? That’s not what Wikipedia has. What we’re the changes?

Too early for postmortems perhaps, but a note that Dems spent four years yelling about how the GOP was a white supremacist party. Result: the largest Black R vote in a long time and a historic realignment of Latinos to R in a state where this happened:

Big cracks forming in the Dem coalition and it is absolutely essential that it be rebuilt around leftist economic policy. I mean really look at that result, over 60% for a minimum wage hike and you have a “left wing” party that can’t win the state, that is just abysmal and unsustainable.


Did we drop the “frothy” thing because it was too mean, or something?

Because that was a really good nickname.

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I have been without internet or tv for most of the day due to a screw up on Verizon’s end. Great timing. Now sitting in a Starbucks parking lot where I can get some service and getting caught up. I’m crying. I’m emotional. What a fucking wild 24hrs it’s been. We’re in for an insane couple of months here, but I think we really did it. I think we ousted the fascist shitstain.


I would make GA a national referendum, guarantee a juicy stimulus if Dems take the Senate and make ads about how important it is for holding Obamacare.

I’d prefer not to do Obamacare and instead promise universal healthcare and the GND if GA goes for two Dems, but we know that’s not on the table.

And we still need Perdue to pull under 50% just for the hail mary.

lucky bastard