The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Lol Eric Trump: “They have 3 by 5 big posters”

Guy has never seen a 3x5 card in his life

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LOLLLLLLLL while reading the beginning tweet I was literally preparing a response that it didn’t count because he didn’t say HEREBY.

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That sucks for Georgia, we’re slight dogs then I think.

Shy Trump voter theory falls apart in Maine where Nate nailed his total. So like, can someone flesh this theory out in a way that makes any fucking sense? Trump supporters are lying to pollsters except when they aren’t or whatever post-hoc theorizing spaghetti logic you can shoehorn in to backsplain everything.


Donald only has a few paths to victory and they involve winning at least 4 of the 5 states that are not called.

If Biden wins AZ and NV, nothing else matters.
If Biden wins PA, nothing else matters.

AZ SoS on:

  • About 600K ballots outstanding
  • 400K in Maricopa Co.
  • We will have a better sense tonight when Maricopa releases where we are
  • Bulk of those are “early ballots” received Monday or Tuesday
  • Don’t know how many vote totals will be in the Maricopa releases tonight
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Nevada’s like Michael Scott when he has some juicy gossip, but delays telling it b/c he’s soaking up the attention.

Yeah, he needs to hold NC and GA. Also somehow get PA. Plus something else.

Dammit, ponied by Fuller (who you should be following).

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You think 2016 was 306 - 232 because Trump has often mentioned the 306 number. But actually it was 304 - 234.


OH CRAP, Trump’s claimed Penn for EV purposes, now what do we do??


Back in the day PA, AZ and NV would have all been called last night as soon as the polls closed, when being first with the call was the priority. This abundance of caution because of FL 2000 is more about maintaining drama to keep eyes on the teevee.

Edit: have not idea if this is true but I’m kinda loopy and feeling good about things rn

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What’s worse than basically anything is having to sweat faithless electors in a 270-268 victory

I hereby claim all 538 electoral votes cast in the United States. I am the rightful president. I’m going to go around the country doing rallies and sleeping with college students to satisfy my narcissism like a proper president while my cabinet made entirely of internet nerds from the unknown Unstuck Politics forum fixes the country.


C’mon PA. Run it up. I’m a little scared for AZ. Feel better about NV.

You have my support.

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lololol get fucked, loser


Bush did not have the same zealous following that Trump has.

You have to say “I hereby declare” with Foghorn Leghorn’s voice.


I think we shout Double Claim, and then Trump has the option of taking a Physical Challenge. He has 30 seconds to pour enough root beer into the container and reach the red line.