The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

100% of the vote among Republican voters! An all time record! Working hard! Thank you!

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are they still standing down and standing by?

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How so?

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When I search for Michigan presidential results on Google, it has Michigan at 99% reporting while NYT is at 94%. Yet, they have the same vote totals. Apparently Google takes their info from the AP but I can’t find the link to the specific numbers.

Don’t want any violence that can be used as a rallying cry right now.

~1.258m votes to count in PA

biden down 379,700

he needs ~65%


I mean, they’re recovering, so it’s not ideal. But Proud Boys is pretty great imo.

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if twitter doesn’t insta flag the PA tweets…


You must not have heard. Trump declared victory in PA so the votes are meaningless now.


Last I checked, he was getting over 75% of the absentee/mail-in ballots. Looks like he should win comfortably.


Trump going to claim victory in Michigan soon>?


Looking great for Biden. He might even have enough to weather a couple of lost lawsuits if that happens.

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Dems should do the same then…why dems let themselves get pushed around like this I will never know.

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Seems like a good time for govs to dispatch national guard to Detroit and Philly counting sites


Lol Fox already projected WI even on the map

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Assuming any reasonable amount of it is from Philly or the neighboring counties…

Pennsylvania is blue and I don’t think it’s going to be super close.

Not going to front, tears of joy for me right now. I wanted my home state so fucking bad. I did not want to live in a state racist enough to go for Trump. An inch or a mile, we got it. It feels so fucking good!


They have to do this right fking now!!!

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Went to sleep 2000 posts ago believing Cuse was right and Biden was going to win. Looks like he was right.