The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable


The lady who said the Milwaukee City votes were arriving now says they were included in the last dump.

Genesee County is mostly just suburbs now as nobody lives in Flint anymore.

We’re clearly the favorite but it’s still a nail-biter.

I gotta scan some papers. When I come back in 45 minutes, hopefully things will be clearer.

Nobody is saying polls are messed up from shy voters. They are saying they are messed up from a hole voters.

Brown county has around 32k outstanding absentee ballots (Green Bay)

tl;dr on recount rules in WI anyone?

If it’s only 32k, we’re fine. If it’s City of Green Bay absentee specific, we’re fine. But I don’t trust any info.

What’s the deal with Michigan? NY Times still has Biden down 233,000. I know there’s a lot of Detroit votes still outstanding, but do we have reason for optimism beyond that?

Candidates can ask for a recount in WI if the margin is narrow enough.

Seems to be. Every county but Brown County is 98%+ counted.

If it’s Brown County as a whole, that’s trouble. I just hope it’s only 32k votes.

getting those ink cartridges back in can be tricky


Decision desk only has him down 70k votes with totally different numbers.

FYI my Michigan Genessee County tweet got deleted because the guy says the NYT was incorrectly reporting a high percentage in.

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Biden is going to gain 2 votes in Maine probably, so he could lose Nevada, lose Michigan, win Wisconsin, and win Pennsylvania and still win.

I’m too busy making PI moves.

So basically WI is getting a recount no matter then, given how close it is.

Do tell!

Yeah, I think MIchigan has been pretty fucking likely a Biden win for hours.

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