The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Counters must have finally went home at midnight so Kemp can take control.


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Oh god, NBC with Lestor Holt is worse.

537 is a dumb name for a website tbh.



And somehow the tie breaker isn’t the national popular vote.

They were up a lot earlier because the market misread the returns and thought this would be settled tonight. Over the past few weeks it became clear that the market didn’t seem to care who won, as long as it was settled fast. Earlier the market thought Trump was going to lock up tonight, which is why it went up. (Monday and early on Tuesday it went up because it looked like a clear win for Biden.)

Now with no clear winner and Trump acting like a banana republic dictator it’s probably going to drill hard for a while.

That’s my read on it anyway.

This guy on Fox News is a complete asshat. Just clicks on counties and says, “Jeez, yeah, this just looks pretty much over to me here. And yeah, democratic stronghold over here, but look, gonna need more votes if they’re gonna close that gap. Yep, seems like an uphill battle.”

Even though they were all cast before the November 3rd votes.

I knew it would happen but I still feel sick


We can get to 555 at least with PR and DC.


537 doesn’t have the decency to be prime.

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saw a tweet somewhere projecting remaining at +120k if expected % held.

GA is gonna be confused if even after all their suppression the ydon’t get there (spoiler alert they get there in the recount)

Shouldn’t they all favor the Dems to varying degrees?

Santorum is struggling to chastise Trump but he is sort of doing it.

They didn’t need to get him out of his coffin for this.

Oh it’s because trump is old and it was 2:30am.

I’m confused, do all states count overnight? Or is it just these 5 people in Atlanta?

Came to post this. He’s going with the grumpy old man defense.

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OK I think there are no more results coming in because hiring two shifts of counters is too hard, I’m going to bed.

My understanding is WI should be counted before the courthouses open in the morning. MI and PA not so much.