The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Now this is surprising.

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I’m taking one for the team and watching FOX.

FWIW, Chris Wallace is at least saying that Trump is FOS.


Bro had some serious anger in his eyes when he was talking about how they’d already won.

Everywhere, people just got collective amnesia from how the day panned out, myself included.

Fox reporting Shapiro tweet!!

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It’s over?

Do it from a big pickup w Trump flags and a blue piece of tape over your license plate.


The only thing missing was for him to tell his people to stand by.

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I don’t know names, but now some propaganda Barbie on FOX is saying that he went too far.

I wonder if Shapiro sees the writing on the wall and is already starting to distance himself from Trump.

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Did he finally stop talking?

Now Juan Williams is saying that Trump is FOS for saying Dems are taking them to court.


CNN is bashing the crap out of him. Thank god Santorum went to his casket to sleep.


Heard on MSNBC: “Autocratic malarkey.” Finish your drink and get another.



Futures absolutely drilling

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Fox News redemption arc… writers always keeping us off guard

CBS is not holding back, at least. They are calling his ass out directly. For whatever that’s worth.

I swear the anchor even said Trump is “castrating the truth.”

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Back to congress races: GOP now with a gain of 3 in the house. 7 uncalled races in the senate - we need 5 of those 7 to stick the GOP at 49.