The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Always be grifting

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FUck you nate. You had Biden 89 percent to win this at the beginning.


add some bennies and ya good.

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The cow hates him.

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Good lord they better have an army around wherever those Philly ballots are.


honestly xanax is a shit drug. Makes you fat, doesn’t really fix shit. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get through tonight.

Gave some meth-head 8mg of ativan today so fuck it all.

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Cuse, get some buddies and a van. You might be the last hope for democracy.


Trump now leading Georgia.

Biden still ahead in a coinflip though.

Pennsylvania still has Biden behind by 14%. Guess they stopped counting.

Brian Williams struggling to keep it together at this hour.

Joy Reid looks like she’s going to be in the Hunger Games Tribute Parade.


That oughta chill his ass right out

I’ve never given more than 2 mg ativan at a time, and that put his ass OUT

Which was accurate. We were never in bad shape.



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If I leave now I can be doing smack before they call Nevada


Aren’t we all.

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So Biden needs 60% of the early / mail in vote in WI. That seems likely?

Biden will win in court, but Trump will appeal to the SC, who will kick it back down to rule on whether ballots should be counted for some other reason, and grant an emergency injunction delaying Biden’s inauguration until the legal battle is settled. Biden eventually wins and is sworn in in 2024, law bros shed a tear as Preet lectures everyone about justice prevailing.


Where did I see that Trump would be ahead by 16 after tonight but Biden would win fairly comfortably?

From CNN:

South East (?) corner of Pennsylvania → 646k mail in ballots outstanding (not counting Philadelphia)
Philadelphia → 300k mail in ballots outstanding
Overall state “Could be a couple of million mail in ballots left to count”

Vicodin + alcohol was my crush.

I had to flush the last of them because I got tired of wasting 1-3 days per week hungover/clawing out of a hole.