The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

swing county in NV

??? Keed loves watching FoxNews, he posts about his boy Tucker all the timeā€¦ but Iā€™ll call a truce for tonightā€¦


Confirmed we got this!


Wow, this has been some sweat. Lol electionments.

Gonna go to bed. Feeling like I guess we got this, but man it shouldnā€™t have been a sweat. Even when we win Iā€™m disappointed in America.


Phil Arballoā€™s cow is up for grabs on Twitter.

He said it wistfully with fake bravado.

Disappointing, but not too surprising after the companies had an ad in basically every commercial break with someone claiming to be an app-based driver talking about how they all wanted it to stay that way.

Bidenā€™s official election picture on NBC is really good. He looks so pleasant.

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Georgia back to 62 percent Biden on the Tilt needle.


Iā€™ve been flipping between the three cable networks and honestly Foxā€™s coverage is pretty good. CNNā€™s is good but I wish theyā€™d let Santorum talk more. MSNBC is just amateurish compared to either CNN or Fox. I think because Fox and CNN are leading with their news guys and MSNBC is focusing on their opinion people like Maddow.

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It wasnā€™t a sweat, everyone panicked. We may still win GA! Thatā€™s not a nail biter. Media is hyping it up, but this is just the vote coming in slowly.


Yes sir

Gd mfer is going back 60 years in his bigotry.

Biden winning Georgia and beating the inevitable legal challenge is the sweat of the century


She needs to start including Katie Porter


Went to bed 3 hours agoā€¦ just woke up.

Is it happening?? Please say itā€™s happening.

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Looks like Bullock has pretty much no chance. Running well behind what he did in 2016 governorā€™s race (which he won 50-46). In most counties with 90% in, heā€™s down 10 or more so points from that election. Lone bright spot is Missula, but donā€™t think that will be close to enough.

Nah, this is very much a sweat. FL, OH, TX, IA all swung hard right of their polls. Iā€™m feeling good about AZ, but god damn this is far from over.