The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Needle improving for Biden in Georgia. UP to Biden +.5, 68 percent to win.


Fox election bean counters have a good history in my opinion. It’s not like I would believe cnn or msnbc more than fox.

I am not really worried about Arizona right now.

Unless NYT throws up a needle.

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UBI and a 200/ton carbon tax are pretty left wing to be getting fanatical support from people who probably just voted for Trump.

They stopped counting in Fulton County for the night. You can go to bed.


Has Trump really not tweeted at all?

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just got back. How is WI and MI going?

Yea Georgia needle showing possible results as good as Biden +3 in the range of outcomes lmaooooooooooooooooo, FUCK THE NEEDLE

Someone take Bovada’s money. Biden +115

This is my first and last odds post of the night so I’m allowed.

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My hope for the Senate… Biden wins and Cornyn and the other dumbass old Republicans die of Covid in the next couple months forcing special elections where Republicans don’t show up since Trump is gone and in jail thanks to the new AG

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I lied if he gets Nevada he would need 1 of those states

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There’s really only one thing to say at this point to all of this:



No way he was allowed to have his phone.

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This would have been a batshit result yesterday that now may be one of Biden’s best path’s to a win:


GA at 68% Biden on the Needle


Camera shot of Biden podium, he walks up wearing USA hoodie. Gets to the podium and takes off the hoodie - it’s Hunter Biden! He throws up the double middle finger; we cut to the White House, Trump is watching the coverage while getting served sliders. The waiter takes off their mask - it’s Joe! STUNNER! STUNNER!





I got it as a yes, 260 + any of the other states would be 270+

Yes, see Jman’s map a few posts above

MN called.


The rational decision is to sleep after Joe talks, but I’m just too amped up.