The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Thank god. Now do Collins

Yeah they are being cautious with AZ but the margin looks insurmountable to me and polls have been super favorable to both Biden and Kelly here. Also legalizing weed which I am lukewarm on, only because I didnā€™t like the law itself (and I still canā€™t use it because of my profession).

People saying GA is tilting Biden, what about NC and that late Biden surge we were promised?

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Why did it just swing a bit back to Trump? NC?

Sounds like thereā€™s a lot of uncertainty on the late arriving ballots.

If Biden wins ME+2 and NE+2, GA, and AZ - can he lose 2 of PA+WI+MI?

Iā€™m seeing 1.4% on DDHQ, there will be more absentees to count that will skew Dem, it should tighten. I donā€™t think we get home, but weā€™re not drawing dead. We have a little equity.

North Carolina accepts absentees for like the next 3 days. Iā€™m not confident here but itā€™s possible.

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IA just called, Trump up 7, Seltzer had it at Trump +7, polling not dead boys

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I am going to have to eat my words on trusting the Needle too much.

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Should be in the streaming thread, but the ā€œSour Grapesā€ doc on Netflix was an entertaining watch. Three grapes.

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Julie Oliver lost TX-25. That sucks.

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GA is exciting but Iā€™d like the red mirage in the Midwest to fade a little bit before I pass out

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Honestly WAAF regardless at this point because without the senate literally nothing gets done and the supreme court destroys all our rights. No stimulus, millions suffer.

Just absolutely fucking devastating night. Absolutely heart breaking.


Even though I recognize this reference, Iā€™m Dirty South 4 lyfe

Would need MI or PA

Look, that would be nice and all, but if anyone has a one time, you know what to do with it.

Not sure how this effects the number sbeing put out by by Nytimes or Decision Desk

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Trump is going to do a speech the moment heā€™s actually ahead yeah?

The needle is cursed and always has been.

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one time

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