The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

You missed the joke, he said you’re waaf here but bet big when Biden was down and are gonna be wealthy.

Nate Cohn’s needle apparently agrees.

UH what in the fuck


Carville talking about breaking out the Van Winkle around Friday to celebrate.

They started to actually count Atlanta I’m guessing.

Fucking needles!

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Joke’s on you; they didn’t say which Wednesday.


The needle is the worst

But also the best


I am also sober. It is strangely enjoyable.



Yeah–those grapes looked sour anyway.

I’ve got 15 large in play. I’m not drinking til most of it’s locked. Plus we’re drinking based on swing states getting called for Joe. AZ was a food state.

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Does seem a bit aggressive of a call. Maybe Foxnews decided to save democracy by pre-emptively calling AZ to stop Trump from pre-emptively calling the whole shebang???

The hero we deserve in this shithole country…

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I don’t know what The Needle is but one thing I’ve learned tonight from this thread is that I hate The fucking Needle


I am not seeing the same. It looks to me that Trump’s margins are about the same as in 2016. Turnout definitely higher so that still helps him, but I don’t see him improving his margins. I took a quick look at the first 10 counties in the NYT result list with >98% reporting (sorry for bad formatting - not sure how to do a table):
2020 2016
Cameron +47 +48
Forrest 48 49
Potter 61 63
Wyoming 35 38
Elk 45 42
Snyder 47 47
Mifflin 57 54
Susquehanna 41 41
Jefferson 59 59

All are super close to 2016 margins with Trump better in 2 and worse in 4.

To me looks like it’s going to come down to whether Biden can either increase margins in his strongholds/turnout enough in D strongholds to overcome higher rural turnout.

I don’t know. Watching CNN, they are pretty bullish on it going Biden but they are slow to call. Fox has been first on a lot of calls tonight and in past elections.


The needle is trash. The needle has always been trash. The needle will always be trash. It overreacts.

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Please let everything switch to Biden last second and it is an actual landslide and everyone can laugh at me