The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

If we get a true blue wave then it will be called. If not then it likely won’t be. If Biden wins one or more of FL/GA/TX/NC/OH, which will all likely be called tonight, it’s over whether the AP calls it or not. If Trump sweeps them then we sweat PA for days and through court challenges most likely.


Voter suppression in AL.

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Is it? Isn’t Gulf Shores all rich, white conservatives?

Just a general friendly reminder not to confuse the normal terribleness of the US election system with something extraordinary during all the inevitable news today. It will help your mental health.



Biden playing super forgiving / healing / unity president until he’s actually in charge when he goes full on destroy Trump for what he’s done would be my preferred outcome.

Not that it’s going to happen either.

NC, AZ, and VA are expected to have results in quickly for whatever reason and that should give us a useful barometer for how the rest of the election is going.


How would someone know what party affiliation is for Election Day voters?

Exit polling, I would think.

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exit polls (which are normally very inaccurate).

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Seems roughly 50-50 (or maybe as low as 40%) to be called tonight. I feel like i saw one prediction of 30% Biden landslide. Gotta figure there’s some remaining cases where it’s not a landslide but we know the outcome.

It’d be a pretty good troll if his victory speech announced that he would not have any public speeches, tweets, etc on like 1/22 so the American people can have a mental health day.

Oh yeah, exit polling. Forgot about that. I thought we were done letting it tell us anything after 2000.

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I do want to make a point that long lines in and of themselves aren’t necessarily evidence of voter suppression. Long lines in a retirement community or affluent white neighborhood will not have the same effect that long lines in a working class neighborhood might have, simply because the working class has less power over their own time and less flexibility to dedicate several hours to waiting to vote.

The view that long lines are everywhere and therefore things are equal (or that long lines in a white area is “good”) is not accurate.

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My worst fear realized :pensive:

Lol at lean states. You coward, make a prediction!

Remember when this ad ran during the Republican SC primary debate? Was the greatest ad placement of all time.

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Oh man, I can’t believe the writers brought awice in at the last minute.One of my favorite characters.


Shut up.


Real quandary of how I’m going to keep up today. Going to be a lot of grunching.

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