The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Just about. It’s trending the wrong way.

Would any of the other Democratic candidates done better? Many of them?

The NC results I’m seeing on look good? Am I missing something?

Wtf is happening

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NC looks gone per the needle. Probably means the Senate is gone as well.

What does that do to statewide %? I’m just looking at NYT and it’s ~tied without Austin & El Paso.

ny times has orange forecasted to win by around 1 point with 66% in

Fantastic 6 point polling miss in FL, guys. Fucking Trafalgar owns the nerds, gg.


Biden did worse in Florida than Hillary, crazy.

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So someone tell me good things about Ohio since NC is falling

Biden is favored to win the election
We simulate the election 40,000 times to see who wins most often. The sample of 100 outcomes below gives you a good idea of the range of scenarios our model thinks is possible.

I hope you’ll enjoy simulating in a gulag. Nate.


CNN bullish on Ohio.

The counties with a lot of vote in (90+) in NC, Biden hasn’t improved on the margin. These are small Trump +60 type counties.

I think it’s all on PA now.

I am now entering my full media blackout. Good luck everyone, hope that I wake up to amazing news.


Polling should be banned from ever happening again. Not that we’ll have elections if Trump wins, but either way fuck polling that gave us all way more hope than we should have had.

Can’t discount straight up cheating


Five the Fucking Fox making district calls on the 538 live blog and I about punched screen.

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Julie Oliver leading in TX-25 with 55% in