The 1st Official Presidential Debate Biden Vs Trump

Moderator : Thank you gentlemen for being here we have completed the 21 gun salute of the flag and the praying in deep reverence to our holy anthem. First question to Mr Biden. Mr Trump has been described by some including prominent new york times columnists as having made potentially “controversial” statements of a possibly racial nature. What is your opinoin on race relations.

Biden : My best friend obama was a black. Everyone loved him. What you gotta have is the TV, the blacks like the tv and it can teach them something. My old and dear friend Strom Thurmand once said to me he said Joe, There’s two type of black people…

Trump (interrupting) : The blacks? I love the blacks and they love me. I know all the black people. Kanye, he loves me. I know Jim Brown. Very good black person, huge, couldn’t knock him over in a truck. I asked him I said Jim, whats wrong with the black people? And he said sir, he called me sir! sir he said black people just want to get along. So I love black people and we’ve done very well for black people they’re very grateful.

Biden : … and the other kind it isn’t really their fault they just don’t know better. So I think that’s a compromise we can all agree on.

Moderator : Ok Next question to Mr Trump. Radical leftists like AOC and Illhan omar and nancy pelosi are taking over the democratic party. Is going dangerously left a good idea in your opinion.

Trump : I call her AOC it’s too many names. Just have two. Donald. Trump. Two names. That’s the best way. So we don’t like her. I said shes a socialist. And we hate those. Business is great. We love it. Business invented Tivo, can you believe that?! You can watch tv, and pause it to look at some bombing thing, and don’t we love our veterans guys? The best president ever for loving veterans, and then you just start watching the tv again like magic. So I say to the bad socialists, we don’t want it. It’s a bad deal. No cows, no tivo no business just bad.

Moderator : Mr Biden?

Biden : I agree with Mr Trump.

Feel free to add questions and answers. You know it’s going to happen.


Mr. Trump, what’s the difference between a stable genius and a very stable genius? Also, why do you have the hots for your daughter?

Cross posted from the debates thread:

The debates between Biden and Trump are going to be lit. We’ll all feel drunk watching them, because they’ll be jumping back and forth between topics so randomly as they ramble on about nothing in particular that we’ll generally have no idea what they’re hey is that someone’s dentures popping out of their mouth talking about as they answer questions about racism in America it’s good it’s bad it’s fine people on both am I drunk right now or is this shithole really happening Obama is my friend Crooked Hillary Obama Hillary the last president loved me before this one Hillary Comey Deep State bring America back together like Obama vote for me Joe 3030 vote for me Trump 2024 or Hillary will let the Squad ban cheeseburgers hey Donald let’s get cheeseburgers after this whaddaya say we used to do that in Scranton and Obama loves a good burger almost as much as he loves me dijon mustard on a tan suit is ISIS we’re so fucked.

Here’s a question: how much money would someone have to pay you to sit down and pay attention to every minute of a Trump/Biden debate? Include the pre-broadcast and post mortem.

I think I’d probably agree to $1000 but end up REALLY regretting it and bailing out.

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Trump: Well a very stable genius is better cause of very. So you look at Mike Pounce. Great man. Great vice president. Best ever, definitely better than Sleepy Joe. You look at Mike Pounce and you see a beautiful man. Great man. Great, loves his wife and God. Almost too much, but that’s okay, we love him anyway. Right? Don’t we? Don’t we love the Pounce? But Mike is a stable genius. He’s smart, he’s stable, but he’s not very. You’ve gotta have some very, and I’m very. Very stable, very genius. That’s why I’m going to Keep Making America Great, very bigly. Very. Meanwhile, Joe is very sleepy. Very sleepy, he’ll sleep very much if he gets the job. I’m very energized. Very awake. Very doing great things for America because I very love it.

Moderator: Vice President Biden?

Biden: Well he’s not doing great things. The deal is. Here’s the deal. The president is saying he wants to Make America Great Again. That’s his thing, okay? The thing is, is that he’s not. He’s dividing America. The president, I was vice president by the way to the president. Not this president, the last president, my dear friend… uhh… the first African American President… uhh… President… my best friend ever, the kids call it b-f-e I think, President… umm… (someone in the audience yells Obama) Yes, President Obama… And so the thing about it is that President Obama was a great president and everything he did was great, and the great things I helped him with, like the healthcare, that was a big, a huge thing, a big deal. But the things you didn’t like… you see, I was the vice president so I didn’t do everything so the bad things were not my fault. Sometimes I was just in the room with the record playing phonograph listening to… oh man what was his name, that guy who was great with the music and he died in the plane crash they did the song about, Buddy… my buddy Obama, boy wasn’t he good? So this president, he’s just dividing us and it’s very bad, and now my time is up.

Trump: Sleepy Joe. He’s sleepy. Doesn’t have the energy to, less energy than Jeb Bush, I called him low energy Jeb. Nobody else noticed that, I was the first, then everyone said “Sir, sir, you were so smart, Jeb does have low energy.” And now I’m telling everyone Joe is sleepy. I call him Sleepy Joe. And Ivanka, yes, she’s the best. Great genes. German blood you know? I have that, it’s the best. They had some great people in Germany, you know, throughout history, even the 1930’s. People don’t like to admit that. But it’s true. So Ivanka, very bigly good genes.

Biden: I think the thing about Ivanka is the great parenting, you know, my friends, we can be civil. We can come together. I disagree with President Trump about a lot, but I’ve gotta give it to him. He raised a great daughter. Good job, Mr. President. You never catch her smoking pot at a concert, let me tell ya that. And the thing about raising kids, here it is, the deal is this… for all of the African-American families out there, for all the parents struggling, if your kids aren’t doing so good a school, you know, we’re going to send some social workers out to teach you how to do it. You just gotta get an 8-track or a phonograph if you can’t afford the 8-track, I know a lot of the poor people don’t have the money for it… But your kids, man, they’ve gotta hear stuff… words… people talking… smart people talking… That way they’ll speak English properly, you know, like President Trump and I speak it, they’ve gotta do it the right way… that’s the thing… The right way. The American way, and man this is a great country, and we can keep making it better and bringing it together for everyone.

Trump: That’s a great idea, which is why I came up with it first. I did. It was about a year ago, in a meeting, I said, “We should give the… uh, African-Americans… we should give them a way to have their kids speak better, bigly.” Sleepy Joe stole it. He did. Deep state am I right? Spying, Obama, probably Clinton. I called her Crooked Hillary. But I’m a great friend to the African-American community. The people. They love me. Lowest unemployment ever. Just ask Ricky As Soon As Possible, that’s what they call him. I shortened it. I said, “Ricky, if you want success. If you want to be great. Your name, too long. Too long. You know? Shorten it. As soon as possible? What if we made up our own abbreviation, ASAP. That could catch on. Kind of like MAGA. Four letters. ASAP. But if you want to make the money, make sure people know, put that dollar sign in. Put it in gold. Big gold letters. The people love it.” He said, little Ricky. He wasn’t successful yet. He was poor, like the others. He said, “Sir, sir, sir! That’s a great idea, sir! I love it sir! Thank you so much sir! You saved my career sir!”

Biden: That was nice of you.

Trump: It was. It was. I helped him. Honestly, I should get 10% of what he makes. I should. But I won’t, that’s okay, he can keep it. He can. But I’m going to give words to all of the African-Americans when I win. I have the best words. Maybe I’ll let Sleepy Joe help me. Part-time, so he can nap. Part time. Sleepy Joe can record some words for the African-Americans and I’ll give them Trump Phonographs so they can play it back. The best phonographs. Cheaper than Obama Phones cause I’m a financial spending conservative. But what we’ll do, this is going to be great. This is going to Make America Great Again. We’ll buy, the federal government, we’ll buy the phonographs from the top seller of phonographs. Now, that happens to be Trump, okay? It’s Trump. Not me, my kids, though, I’m not running it because I signed the stack of papers. But we make the best phonographs, okay? Bigly. Loudly. Soundly. So we’ll buy one for every black person. I’ll get Eric to sell them cheap, bigly discounted, say $500. Then we’ll give every black person a phonograph, and you know what we’ll do? We’ll make Mexico pay for them! For the phonographs AND the wall, and they’re going to love it. Believe me. They’ll love it.

Moderator: Vice President Biden, your response?

Biden, snapping to attention and sucking his dentures back into his mouth: Umm… here’s the deal… What was the question? Sorry, I dozed off there. How long have we been up here?

Moderator: Eight minutes, sir. We have three hours and 52 minutes left.


1/10th point deduction for

I asked him I said Jim

which reads better as

I asked him I says Jim

It would have to be way more than $1000 for me. By “pay attention” I assume you mean, no phone, nothing else going on in the background, etc? Can I knit? j/k i dunno how to knit, but I have ADHD, so i NEED to keep my hands busy. Usually I play a mindless type of video game when I’m watching stuff.

Yeah, I’m gonna go with $50k

I’ll do it for $100 if you let me keep a journal throughout the debate chronicling my descent into lunacy

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Say What, Joe?

“You might cut me, Corn Pop, but I’m going to wrap this chain around your head before you do.”

Hmmm. :thinking:

Twitter explains this story far better.

Wow that twitter thread is amazing. Loled hard at Biden saying he was going to wrap a chain around Corn Pop’s head. What a bad ass.

As a side note this kind of shows that Joe has always been in some form of “cognitive decline”.

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RIP to Corn Pop, who was, in fact, a person who lived in Wilmington, DE

Welp, I guess that settles it. Biden’s the nominee.

Can’t wait for the cycle of the media covering this the next few days and the vindication Biden will enjoy for taking it to Corn Pop with a steel chain and his verbal bravery.



Holy shit, he murdered Corn Pop.